I was on tour with Korn and Stillwell in June in Switzerland and they had me film this video with them. I'm the big hulking, weird looking, giant chin guy trying to get back stage and fight the band lolzzz
Awesome. When are you fighting again Dean?
ADCC in 6 weeks, after I want to make a serious comeback
to MMA.
^^^^ best new Ive heard lately
Dean who are you working with for mma now?
Who is your pic for Rampage V. Jones?
ttt for Dean
That's awesome!
Fieldy is playing lead guitar for them? Never seen him step away from his bass.
i like the lead singers voice, reminds me of chris cornell.
DeanLister - edubbs,
ADCC in 6 weeks, after I want to make a serious comeback
to MMA.
Fucking awesome!
Pretty cool that you are in the video as well.
Pretty cool
I got though about a minute of the video. That song sucked.
That band was "TERRIBLE"...
I would rather listen to a Justin Bieber, Jessica Black duet...
It is too bad Dean Lister didn't get on stage and choke all of those pathetic morons unconscious....