Children and strength training (vid)

Don’t know if this has been posted before. Saw it on Yahoo

I would think that the body weight stuff is fine but I didn't like the looks of the cheat curls. I dunno. What do ya'al think about this?

I have a one year old and he has been hanging from my thumbs since he was like 4 or 5 months old a few weeks ago he hung from my doorway chin-up bar for about 20 seconds but I don't think I will have him lifting weights any time soon.

What say you?

Hi Leigh, It was very impressive.

Fist let me say that I am no expert... IMO the difference= benching requires laying on the back pushing weight away from your body. This forces the body into the bench putting pressure on the spine and other parts of the anatomy. A fat kid (at that age) might not even be able to do a push up and if he can their are certainly different physics involved. Even though some of the same muscles are being used in both exercises.

There is probably nothing wrong with 'free' weight training at a young age if its done with meticulous form and light weight. Most of what that boy was doing was body weight. I guess its sounds silly but as impressive as that was I think the small amount of 'free' weight lifting he was doing was heavy for him. The curls were cheat curls and that seems risky for a person his age.

Just my thoughts


what about plain old gymnastics, those kids are strong as hell

I would think gymnastics a great way for anyone (able bodied enough to do it) to gain strength.

I'm not expert, but I recall reading that kids shouldn't train with high resistance or larger forces at a young age. That it will mess up their growth an hormonal development.