Children losing dieting and/or weight cutting

jacktripper -
cyberc92 -
jacktripper -
jacktripper -
cyberc92 -
ryanjudoka -

It's a sad reality. I have coached competitive kids for almost a decade and don't advocate for any children to ever cut weight. I think it's disgusting what some parents want out of their little kids. Scumbag material for sure. I also live in a really wrestling centric town, and it's crazy what those parents do in comparison to bjj or Judo parents. 

I have seen wrestling parents tell their kids after a hard practice that they will have to jump on the treadmill at home and the kids are under 10 years old. How can they expec their kids to continue to love the sport later on in life when there is so much pressure early on?

My son wrestled against a kid that was ranked #1 in the country in their age/weight bracket... I saw the dad a few months ago and he already burned out an quit wrestling 

nowadays the season never ends and there is a long series of major post season tournaments that lead right into summer wrestling then more tournaments then back to the regular season... must be hell to have to do it all year

this is all sports and it is beyond idiotic. all of it driven by some combination of greedy coaches milking parents, parents being gullible and/or parents trying to relive their past glory

It's such a short term mentality also... the kids will get repetitive use injuries, mentally burn out while still young and there goes the opportunity to create a lifelong grappler and keep the sports healthy and growing 

my kids competed a lot and you see everything from parents lying about a kids age and registering them for a bracket with younger kids (I've seen several times kids in one division when they don't verify age and in another division in tournaments or sports that do verify age) lying about experience/belt level and some regional tournaments don't have weigh ins for kids matches and go off the "honor" system 

it also really fucks with the heads of the kids that are competing in their correct brackets getting clobbered by much older more experienced kids and end up packing it in

just a complete all around shit show when parents will do anything to get their kid a gold medal

My son competed in a Judo tournament recently and the division was 23kg. My son is 50lbs and he lost in the finals against a kid who was above 27kg. The part that pissed me off the most was that there was a 27kg division but the kid was still allowed to compete against kids 10 or more lbs lighter than him. 

The other messed up part was that the published the division weight of 23kg and then published the actual weight of the kids competing so it showed how much the kid weighed but nothing was done of it. The kid happened to train at the school that was hosting the tournament. This is like the 4th time that has happened but most of the time I can't tell the size of the kids until they step on the mat since actual weights weren't published next to the weight division. 

First of all I hope much respect to your son for training and stepping into the lions den with everything against him and doing his job 

it also puts you in a shitty situation as a parent, if you object and try to advocate for your kid now you're labeled psycho sports dad and if you don't you have to watch your son get clobbered by someone that shouldn't be competing in his bracket

No wonder so many kids have a hard time being motivated to compete... why not stay home and play video games instead 

Yup, he is 7 years old and he started to ask me why do they keep matching him up with bigger kids. He has developed very well for his age and size. I would beat on him winning 8 out of 10 matches against kids within 3lbs of him but some of these matches the kids are about 6 inches taller and 10 lbs heavier. I realize that a lot of these youth tournaments do a shit job of putting together the brackets, weigh ins, and just deceit from parents. 


shen -
checkuroil - 

If they told me about making their 60 pound kid lose 5 pounds in two days I would call child services on their ass.  


I know that it's an unpopular sentiment, but kidneys are more important than winning some kids tournament 

Yeah, but kids have two kidneys and there's only going to be ONE gold medal at that tournament!


Well being a NAGA champ at 8 years old will definitely translate into life success! You can never have enough samurai swords.

cyberc92 -
jacktripper -
cyberc92 -
jacktripper -
jacktripper -
cyberc92 -
ryanjudoka -

It's a sad reality. I have coached competitive kids for almost a decade and don't advocate for any children to ever cut weight. I think it's disgusting what some parents want out of their little kids. Scumbag material for sure. I also live in a really wrestling centric town, and it's crazy what those parents do in comparison to bjj or Judo parents. 

I have seen wrestling parents tell their kids after a hard practice that they will have to jump on the treadmill at home and the kids are under 10 years old. How can they expec their kids to continue to love the sport later on in life when there is so much pressure early on?

My son wrestled against a kid that was ranked #1 in the country in their age/weight bracket... I saw the dad a few months ago and he already burned out an quit wrestling 

nowadays the season never ends and there is a long series of major post season tournaments that lead right into summer wrestling then more tournaments then back to the regular season... must be hell to have to do it all year

this is all sports and it is beyond idiotic. all of it driven by some combination of greedy coaches milking parents, parents being gullible and/or parents trying to relive their past glory

It's such a short term mentality also... the kids will get repetitive use injuries, mentally burn out while still young and there goes the opportunity to create a lifelong grappler and keep the sports healthy and growing 

my kids competed a lot and you see everything from parents lying about a kids age and registering them for a bracket with younger kids (I've seen several times kids in one division when they don't verify age and in another division in tournaments or sports that do verify age) lying about experience/belt level and some regional tournaments don't have weigh ins for kids matches and go off the "honor" system 

it also really fucks with the heads of the kids that are competing in their correct brackets getting clobbered by much older more experienced kids and end up packing it in

just a complete all around shit show when parents will do anything to get their kid a gold medal

My son competed in a Judo tournament recently and the division was 23kg. My son is 50lbs and he lost in the finals against a kid who was above 27kg. The part that pissed me off the most was that there was a 27kg division but the kid was still allowed to compete against kids 10 or more lbs lighter than him. 

The other messed up part was that the published the division weight of 23kg and then published the actual weight of the kids competing so it showed how much the kid weighed but nothing was done of it. The kid happened to train at the school that was hosting the tournament. This is like the 4th time that has happened but most of the time I can't tell the size of the kids until they step on the mat since actual weights weren't published next to the weight division. 

First of all I hope much respect to your son for training and stepping into the lions den with everything against him and doing his job 

it also puts you in a shitty situation as a parent, if you object and try to advocate for your kid now you're labeled psycho sports dad and if you don't you have to watch your son get clobbered by someone that shouldn't be competing in his bracket

No wonder so many kids have a hard time being motivated to compete... why not stay home and play video games instead 

Yup, he is 7 years old and he started to ask me why do they keep matching him up with bigger kids. He has developed very well for his age and size. I would beat on him winning 8 out of 10 matches against kids within 3lbs of him but some of these matches the kids are about 6 inches taller and 10 lbs heavier. I realize that a lot of these youth tournaments do a shit job of putting together the brackets, weigh ins, and just deceit from parents. 


I've been there... just keep reminding him at 7 he trained his ass off, went to another gym and competed against a kid with a huge advantage over him and did his job while his buddies were at home eating pop tarts and that's worthy of respect from any martial artist 

I coach at a very competitive high school here for wrestling and I have seen coaches pressure kids to cutting to make a certain weight class to be competitive.  I have always had the attitude that you should wrestle at what you can make comfortably and with hydration standards for high school and college, it's pretty safe.  Psychologically I've seen it really mess with kids though.  That's why I like jiujitsu, weigh in with the gi, less than an hour before your match, that's a competition. Not to see who can cut more weight and hydrate back up.


IDK anything about the modern bjj tournament scene or the modern high school wrestling scene, but when I wrestled in high school it wasn't the parents or coach who made me or my teamates cut weight. Hard to imagine it's much different today.

I never won State, but I knew guys who did and they always were the hardest weight cutters and being a State champ in wrestling is a big, big fucking deal. There are the stories of those guys who don't cut weight and win State titles... stories, individual, very rare, stories. The one guy I knew who did this came from money and his daddy paid for a personal chef to make perfect meals for the kid, so in a way he did cut weight because he would have been heavier without those daddy paid for perfect meals. That and his non-stop private lessons all year. How many wrestlers are going to have access to that kind of shit?

It's just like football, boys are going to pursue things that make them feel like men, and that's just that. For 99.99999999999999% of high school wrestlers out there telling them they can wrestle but can't cut weight is like saying you can participate in a sport but you are going to get your ass kicked, and that ain't gonna sit well with anyone I knew who wrestled. Wrestlers want to fucking win like no group of athletes I've ever seen.

Then there is the collegiate level and fucking forget it. You're not gonna let your son cut weight at the college level? The coach will laugh at you and tell your son to beat it.

If Bjj is anything like this, it is what it is.

The topic is more to do with children cutting weight. There is no reason children in elementary school should be cutting weight when they will most likely have to do so in High School and/or College.