anybody else notice the choke slam that houston did to thiago?it looked sweet....
Kind of looked like an Undertaker choke slam.
i saw that shit. i remember saying "holy shit this guy is strong"
too bad he got his ass exposed on the ground
it was a choke slam i saw it.
should of kept it standing
it's train bjj.........
"It was a left handed choke slam"
youre right.didnt realize that.i know he got exposed(just watching the countdown show everyone pretty much knew he was gonna get whooped).but that left handed chokeslam was SWEEEEEEEEEET
Houston is one of the most intimidating fighters out there because of his super heavy hands, power and aggression ... this dude will be back with a vengeance!
i laughed my ass off.
Choke slam vs mount+fist fucking the face
Choke slam < mount+fist fucking the face
nice slam...but why would he take him down?
"Houston is one of the most intimidating fighters out there because of his super heavy hands, power and aggression ... this dude will be back with a vengeance!"
A+ for pointless predictable rhetoric
A+ for pointless predictable rhetoric
**Adds Black, Athletic, and Explosive to boot**
Adds Black, Athletic, and Explosive to boot oh forgot that
houston got KTFO by Silva. NO ground game. Zero.
"It was a left handed choke slam. Dude is dominant. Dana, give Houston his title shot!" and yet another idiot speaks.
i did notice that i laughed at it after hearing why he fights nd what not i really hope he comes back gets a good ground game and can climb up to the top