Chris Brennan on the Lytes Out Podcast

Where are you at Skelboy,where are you at mother fucker?




Many won’t get this or know who Skelboy was.I always got a kick out of Skelboy and him typing in a English accent.

TTT for poofters & punters.

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Just a very small sample…

Alright mate, sorry t’hear y’lost in Pride for Small Blokes, told y’it would happen though, didn’t I? Y’could’ve saved y’self a long flight an’ some trouble by just listenin’ t’the Skelboy, but nevermind.

Anyway, I were wonderin’ if y’d do me a big favor an’ change the name o’yer school now, eh? I lost some business over the weekend, mate, ‘cos I heard some kids walkin’ by say this:

“I heard that they teach y’how t’hit cunts w’a bit o’brick in there, sounds ace.”

“No mate, that school’s run by Chris Brengan, he’s shit. He got beat in Pride for Small Blokes an’ then he cried about it on the internet, let’s go an’ stab a pensioner an’ burn down the youth club instead, phwoar!”

People are gettin’ confused, mate. It in’t fair t’me t’not change the name o’yer school. Y’can call it somethin’ else, I’ll even help y’think o’names. What about ‘Sidemount Academy’?



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Brennan is a savage

Lol what is going on? When I hear Skelboy the only thing that pops into my head is Matt Skelton but I doubt they would have crossed paths ? I’m likely way off just laughing / curious.

Skelboy & Chris go back a long way.They both named their gyms Next Generation.Skelboy was a bigtime Lee Murray jock rider because he was in London also.I’ll post some other stuff of his because there is lots to choose from.

This one is titled Goodluck Brengan.For whatever reason Skelboy & old Moderator Mr Zipplokk did not get along.Zippy would put Skelboy’s threads in the What If forum.

…‘cos y’gonna need it if y’want t’beat that Japanese bloke what’s half blind like PJ out of Byker Grove. Who y’gonna fight next, mate, fuckin’ Mr. Magoo? Y’ve got some unfinished business w’the Skelboy, blades or no blades, but I’ll be happy t’come over an’ fight in the next ‘Pride for Midgets’ event if them Japanese blokes what run it buy me a playstation 3 an’ some o’them cartoon movies what’ve got tons o’shaggin’ in 'em. Set it up or you’re a poofter, mate. Cheers.

The Chris Brennan streetfight thread on here 20 years ago is LEGENDARY. Looking forward to listening to this and see what Brengan has been up to


Yeah the legendary thread is called Mother F’n LIAR.I mentioned it during the broadcast,but I don’t think that Miguel & the MMA detective Mike Davis know that it exists.

Brother Zach Brenigan 2

JBurgos should be pushing this to the top of the front page.

What about that bobsappfan romoshopped pic of brengan’s big head driving the pt cruiser?

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I am actually a big supporter of BobSaopFan

It’s unfortunate that we had some rouge mods kick him out of here…

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cant mention cb without Mother F’n LIAR

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Bobsappfan’s account got banned & Kirik never let him back in,so all of his posts will be deleted.He did come back,but I don’t remember him posting any drawings.

Up Simba,up big cat.


My account too. If I google it I can see people responding to me on like 17 yo threads but my posts are gone. Thank god tbh lol.