I agree with HendOver...
I think if Chuck really talked loud, he should set up a fight with Kimbo and prove a point. If he's sooooo unskilled and so much hype, then fight him. Remember, Chuck is ONLY a standup fighter, with not much skill on the ground..
Step up or shut up Chuck! Kimbo is 6'2 250, and I am sure Chuck can fight at 220. Chuck only has another fight with the UFC. Let's see what the "great Chuck Liddell" does.
"Hell, we know Kimbo can't beat a top tier fighter. He's not
experienced enough. A big ground fighter will tap him out! We all
know that."
The problem is, there's a bunch of fan boys that don't and instead of
legit ighters making money, you've got some guy that fights D-level
opponents who go down without even being hit, making money that
should go to better fighters.
"So hopefully Chuck see's Kimbo as a "Tiger Woods" of MMA. He
brought alot of attention to the sport."
Kimbo = Tiger Woods of the sport? HOW!?!?! Tiger is actually GOOD!
Kimbo MIGHT equal the Tiger Woods of the sport if Tiger Woods played
middle schoolers who couldn't hit the ball straight to save their lives.
Oh, don't forget... John McCain brought a lot of attention to the sport