Chuck Liddell reportedly arrested for domestic violence

I’m pretty sure that in California If the law is called for a domestic dispute,that someone is going to jail.One or the other.


Someone picked up Chuck getting out of jail in a gray Mercedes.Can’t tell if it’s Erik or not.

Any chick who has boned Jose Canseco probably deserves at least a talkin to.
I’m kidding, dont go crazy guys.

Any marks or injury - must take.

No indication of injury - may take.

Unless things have changed in the last 10 years.

Could have changed.It’s been forever that a LEO told me that.

Tito will challenge him to a boxing match soon.


Wife is hot and beautiful kids. Why chuck why? Must be a Cali thing. Both we be back together. Wonder what the argument was about? Maybe his drinking?

It’s so easy to get arrested for DV these days. I’ll reserve judgement until details come out. In CA it’s basically an automatic arrest if cops have to respond.


All cops care about is liability these days.

Wife didn’t have to call thd cops though, maybe it’s the neighbors. Cali laws are fucked. I’m sure it is not a big deal. Chuck is not that kind of guy. Been following him on insta for years. He loves his family.

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True. The best way to REALLY know someone is through Insta. Cuts right through that pretty facade people put on.


I get it. But he always posted activities with his wife and children. If he was not happy he would not post them.

There is the drinking issue which I believe is the cause. Wife wanting him to stop for his health reasons and he flipped. He is always a happy drunk until wife makes it domestic issue. Happens all the time. They both have good intentions.

Nobody is gonna post the naked workout video with Heidi?


Just a bad day in the office for chuck. I’m sure this will get resolved soon.

He’s claiming that he was the one who was assaulted and he didn’t touch his wife.

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According to Chuck, he got pieced up. I suppose it’s a good thing he has progressed beyond denial.


He volunteered to go to jail on her behalf for assaulting him? Is that even possible? Lol

if policy dictates that one of the people needs to be locked up to break up whatever is going on, i guess it kind of makes sense.

hopefully everything works out for the best.

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