Chuck Norris Tells how Bruce Lee died (1975)


I found this interview with Chuck from 1975. He explains how Bruce really died.

There's always been conspiracy around his death, Chuck clears that up.

He talks about it starting at 4:10

Great find! Have my VU Phone Post 3.0

Anti Biotics for a headache? Phone Post 3.0

For Later. Phone Post 3.0

Sub Phone Post 3.0

for later

In Phone Post 3.0

It was an equagesic not anti biotics

Sorry Chuck Phone Post 3.0

Eddie bravo found this on YouTube

In eddies voice

I'm telling you man , the CIA knows about this , tower 7 black helicopters Phone Post 3.0

Yeah, Bruce pushed himself hard both physically and 'to be the best!!' and was a pillhead towards the end. That is well known.

Sounds like what happened to Brittney Murphy without the kungfu and without anyone missing her.

Stronghold - Sounds like what happened to Brittney Murphy without the kungfu and without anyone missing her.
Damn ! Phone Post 3.0

mulder68 - It was an equagesic not anti biotics

Sorry Chuck Phone Post 3.0

Not a class of drugs, but the name the drug itself. Is a NSAID-Anxiolytic combo made by Wyeth, that while still available, it used fairly infrequently now.

more like heath ledger.

Ttt Phone Post 3.0

Later Phone Post 3.0


This makes a lot of sense. Good find. Phone Post 3.0

Later Phone Post 3.0

4 later Phone Post 3.0

I think maybe Chuck just misspoke about the antibiotic thing. That, or he doesn't have even a basic understanding of medicine.