Cleft Lip terrorist misses weight+ Cheats with towel like DC

“ Cumshot Chimaev “ - Colby Covington


I doubt Colby gives a shit if this guy called him white boy, so don’t get offended on his behalf.


Not offended, just pointing out a double standard.

Plus I am just not a fan of Chimaev, so I’ll take shots when I can.


Affirmative action or some shit has gotten Cormier through LOL I dunno… but “Islamophobia” that made up word got cunt lips through it.

Fuck this cheating, sinning Islamist fucker hopefully an elbow slices them off tomorrow.

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He wanted to see if it had a weird scar on it to match his face.

Dont you worry his fellow Islamists friends are likely catching wind of this and that faggot will be killed

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What did cunt lips say Shan?

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I hope Liang whoops the shit out of him.


Came out and said some shit (not verbatim) about Kevin Holland being a typical American and just talking and not doing anything. Then called Colby a white boy lol. Totally missing the fact that his people are the ones mooching off the western world they seem to look down upon. Fuck this dude


Fuck the lot of them, every Muslim is a lying facist. And their refugee scam is a trojan horse. You only trust EX Muslims. I repeat only trust EX Muslims.


Why are they allowed to touch the towel at all while being weighed. There’s dudes holding it until it’s done.

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Am i missing something here? Yes he did try to cheat but in the last try they told him to weigh in with his hands up and he passed. Maybe i watched the wrong video.

certain mods here may get snowflakey about that thread title btw


If Jon Jones is setting the precedence for what the company will tolerate, which he obviously is, Lip was allowed to reach over the towel and adjust the scale, himself. (It’s about making money, not seeing which martial art is the best)

As someone else asked, why are they even allowed to touch the towel?

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I lose respect for gyms (Alexander’s in Sweden, AKA) and people (DC) who coddle and support these guys if I’m being honest.


Kumshot Khamzat future WW champ. Deal with it nancies.


I would like to see the Leech channel his inner Kung Fu Panda and get the job done but I would not put money on it.

Can’t get much whiter than the country that granted him asylum and government money to live


You have a problem with white boy, but not with calling people “blacks”. Why do you get to say blacks, but he can’t say white?