CM Punk at the Cubs-Cardinals game

Love that he's a Cubs fan, hope the guy behind him isn't re injuring that bum shoulder! Phone Post 3.0

That boy will never fight in the UFC.

He's going to play Right Field for the Cubs next season. He has no experience outside of Little League, but he's a big fan and will put 8 months of training in before he gets his first start at the major league level. He's skipping the minor leagues because the Cubs will sell a lot of tickets and bobbleheads at his first game. Phone Post 3.0

MMAhaiku - He's going to play Right Field for the Cubs next season. He has no experience outside of Little League, but he's a big fan and will put 8 months of training in before he gets his first start at the major league level. He's skipping the minor leagues because the Cubs will sell a lot of tickets and bobbleheads at his first game. Phone Post 3.0


Pretty cool, he got a nice fall beard too.

Ramon Maroni - 
MMAhaiku - He's going to play Right Field for the Cubs next season. He has no experience outside of Little League, but he's a big fan and will put 8 months of training in before he gets his first start at the major league level. He's skipping the minor leagues because the Cubs will sell a lot of tickets and bobbleheads at his first game. Phone Post 3.0


Lol, as funny as this analogy is, it is correct. Dana keeps saying that the UFC is the superbowl, the major leagues ect... but this move is bush leagues.

MMAhaiku - He's going to play Right Field for the Cubs next season. He has no experience outside of Little League, but he's a big fan and will put 8 months of training in before he gets his first start at the major league level. He's skipping the minor leagues because the Cubs will sell a lot of tickets and bobbleheads at his first game. Phone Post 3.0

Voted up.

MMAhaiku - He's going to play Right Field for the Cubs next season. He has no experience outside of Little League, but he's a big fan and will put 8 months of training in before he gets his first start at the major league level. He's skipping the minor leagues because the Cubs will sell a lot of tickets and bobbleheads at his first game. Phone Post 3.0
yawn...... Phone Post 3.0

whogivesafuck? Phone Post 3.0

MMAhaiku - He's going to play Right Field for the Cubs next season. He has no experience outside of Little League, but he's a big fan and will put 8 months of training in before he gets his first start at the major league level. He's skipping the minor leagues because the Cubs will sell a lot of tickets and bobbleheads at his first game. Phone Post 3.0

Even as a punk fan I feel this post deserves a VTFU
well played