Colby--Jon Jones was a Satanic Roidhead in College

Card - 

Fuck Covington looks like a dumb shit!

This guy is a fucking moron, trying to steal chaels schtick but it ain’t working. Also chael would kick his ass

Dogman -
Card - 

Fuck Covington looks like a dumb shit!

Oh he’s not the brightest tool in the shed box. 

I think hes borderline special olympics. No offense. 

JitznPound -

This guy is a fucking moron, trying to steal chaels schtick but it ain’t working. Also chael would kick his ass


The major diffrence between him and chael is that if chael was confronted by the fighter he was talking shit on... chael would throw down (like the wand incident) and Colby just stands there staring it his phone lol 

Absolutely LOVE how Colby triggers the marks. 

Y'all are getting worked lol.  

Colby is comedy gold.

Tommy_PUI - 
JitznPound -

This guy is a fucking moron, trying to steal chaels schtick but it ain’t working. Also chael would kick his ass


The major diffrence between him and chael is that if chael was confronted by the fighter he was talking shit on... chael would throw down (like the wand incident) and Colby just stands there staring it his phone lol 

And Chael was witty and funny. And guarantee he’d have never pressed charges on someone he talked about on

Can anyone give a summary of the key points he made? I don't want ear aids, listening to a guy like Colby talk for too long might make me dumber.

It's funny how many people get pissed and talk shit everytime a Colby thread is made yet still claim Colby is bad at what he's doing right now. lmao. Idiots.

You guys resorted to calling him dumb looking and borderline retarded. Hahaha.

Colby with the win again!

Thebonfirexm - Dude's a Savage.

Love him.


BrckNoHitBk -

It's funny how many people get pissed and talk shit everytime a Colby thread is made yet still claim Colby is bad at what he's doing right now. lmao. Idiots.

Known troll is known 


I can't respect someone who starts shit with a bunch of people then runs to the cops when one of said people wants to kick his ass. 

RDA should shut this guy up

JohnStuartMill -

Best mma podcast by a fucking lot!  I am huge fan of your comedy and podcast.  

Thanks so much for the support. 

Hahaha good post^^

Conor wannabe… maybe prove yourself first before acting like a jackass

Lights Out Lurker -
stainlesssteel -

Bottom line is so long as he continues to win, craptalk, no matter how awful, is a plus. It keeps him on front page, in this sad MMA world. McGregor proved that. However it sets him up with one loss, as a potential massive joke. That's not a good mentality to fight under.

If he loses the next fight, the ridicule will be relentless.

Think about the mindset that someone like Colby has. He is so confident in his abilities that he knows how bad it would be if he loses, but he still goes after the top guys every time. His trash talk is pretty silly but he's like Chael.... But a better fighter and worse talker.

Better fighter? I haven't seen that yet. Chael was fighting at a super high level for a very long time and was the first fighter to make Anderson look beatable in the UFC. I think that more than surpasses anything boomerang head has done. 

WrestlingSucks - 
Lights Out Lurker -
stainlesssteel -

Bottom line is so long as he continues to win, craptalk, no matter how awful, is a plus. It keeps him on front page, in this sad MMA world. McGregor proved that. However it sets him up with one loss, as a potential massive joke. That's not a good mentality to fight under.

If he loses the next fight, the ridicule will be relentless.

Think about the mindset that someone like Colby has. He is so confident in his abilities that he knows how bad it would be if he loses, but he still goes after the top guys every time. His trash talk is pretty silly but he's like Chael.... But a better fighter and worse talker.

Better fighter? I haven't seen that yet. Chael was fighting at a super high level for a very long time and was the first fighter to make Anderson look beatable in the UFC. I think that more than surpasses anything boomerang head has done. 

This…Chael was the clear number 2 at 185 for quite some time, and damn near beat Anderson. Plus his shit talk was funny. Colby is going to come crashing down hard