Colby--Jon Jones was a Satanic Roidhead in College

If he keeps winning, they're gonna hear about him real soon.

FrontBroRian -
Tommy_PUI - 
JitznPound -

This guy is a fucking moron, trying to steal chaels schtick but it ain’t working. Also chael would kick his ass


The major diffrence between him and chael is that if chael was confronted by the fighter he was talking shit on... chael would throw down (like the wand incident) and Colby just stands there staring it his phone lol 

And Chael was witty and funny. And guarantee he’d have never pressed charges on someone he talked about on

So you’re saying that Colby is, in fact, not a gangster?

it would have been a lot more interesting if he'd been a satanic *redhead* in college

BrckNoHitBk -

You guys resorted to calling him dumb looking and borderline retarded. Hahaha.

Colby with the win again!

You are not doing this right. I don’t think you know the definition of winning. 

May god have mercy on your soul. 

Lol at the butt hurt from the Colby haters. Dorks. Colby has possibly the best mma wrestling and pace in mma right now. He is a bad matchup for everyone. Got subbed, adjusted his game against someone w way better bjj and out grappler the shit outta him. Clinch might be the best as well.

brazil is a dump!

Nytron -

Can anyone give a summary of the key points he made? I don't want ear aids, listening to a guy like Colby talk for too long might make me dumber.

We ain't translating tonight baby