the still from that video is hilarious. coker’s hand in his head, chael reveling in pulling the trigger he knew he shouldn’t have, but just couldn’t resist, and daley looking like a kid who just stumbled upon the supposed-to-be-blurry-but-not porn channel on basic cable in the 90s.
Hendo’s follow up on Bisping was nasty of course, but his follow up on Lombard was worse IMO. I thought he killed the poor fuck.
One of, if not the most viscious ending to a fight in decades.
The sound that shot made when it made contact.
- Jones/Machida
- Hendo/Bisping
- Hendo/Lombard
Non UFC…Wanderlei stomping out Yuki Kondo then chuckling
non ufc renzo stepping on Spikkers head
Forrest fucking up Tito’s retirement was unintentionally cold as fuck. I legit felt bad for Tito and Forrest was just being a clown.
I remember thinking “what a prick”. I still don’t know the back story but I’d venture to say Renzo is probably just an asshole sometimes
Silva+rape choke+Jardine=
When chocolate al the iceman got iced
Thought tito won that fight, shame
Rory vs lawler fight with them staring each other down after that amazing round!
One of my fav fights in ufc history!
Tito could have comeback with something like “you cant even have kids” or someshit
The gangster lost all classy if he ever had, weak joke
Not UFC, but…
Was there a time in Strikeforce, I think, where Nick Diaz knocked out his opponent, and then went over to the cage near his opponent’s wife, and mouthed “Fuck you”? If I am remembering correctly, that’s probably the coldest thing I’ve ever seen inside the cage.