Coleman in the UFC HW Division, Circa '03-'06?

How would he have fared?

Champ maybe?

How would he have fared against Sylvia?

 Interesting question.  Let's go through the players at the time first.  Shit, let me make coffee first. subd

He'd probably be the #4 guy behind Tim, Murr and AA. Murr would break his arm. Tim would bore and paw him to death and AA would beat him b/c Coleman wouldn't KO him.

Coleman would beat the Cabbages, Eilers, Buentellos, Asuerio Silvas of the division

I think Coleman in 03 would do well against Sylvia and Arlovski. Mir not so much. Phone Post

tomp6581 - I think Coleman in 03 would do well against Sylvia and Arlovski. Mir not so much. Phone Post

. Phone Post

 gets ko'ed by sylvia,aa,and buentello. crippled by mir.

ricco subs him too

Rico/Coleman or Rizzo/Coleman would of been great fights.

Mark takes Tim into deep waters and drowns him, IMHO.

Juiced up Tim was a fucking killer. He slaughters Coleman before the arm break, and out points him after. Randy beats Coleman at any point. He'd be low top 10 now that I hunk about it. He'd do a lot better at lhw. Coleman-Tito Coleman-chuck would be awesome Phone Post