COLLECTORS!!! Full size UFC3 poster...

In pretty decent shape. This was hung up in our old basement where we trained. I was visiting home for vacation week and decided to pull it off the wall. This could be cleaned up and framed behind glass to look really good. This was UFC3 where Royce beat Kimo and then conceded so Steve Jennum could go on to win the tourney. Royce and Ken Shamrock are squared off on the poster. It's full size, approx. 2'x 3', not the Japanese version that was in a magazine. If anyone is interested let me know. I can send pics. Make me an offer... I'm going to put it on Ebay soon but I thought I'd give the UG first dibs on it.

With pics I'd make an immediate offer. I'm not pulling your leg and I'm trustworthy. PM me! Phone Post


Take it or leave it.

 $18 take it or leave it

Ruger... No thanks. It's worth a whole lot more than that.

Steps... Give me an email and I'll send you a pic.



why not post a pic here?

I sent you a friend request with my email attached Phone Post

Pic or it didn't happen! Phone Post

Ill trade you a Mike the Discount Bisping action figure for it.

Orion i wouldnt mind seeing pic first before throwing an offer out Phone Post

I took a pic but its not a very good one... When I get home tonight I will do another one. I don't know how to post pics here so someone will have to do it for me or either walk me through it.


OK, I have pics and I can give detailed descriptions of the condition of the poster based on the pics. I just need someone to help me post pics and I will start another thread in the MMAemorbilia Ground.


Nevermind. Sold. Thanks!!

Mind telling us what it went for? Phone Post

post the pics anyways, and we'll tell you what we would have bid. I was ready to bid $10,000 easily.

DAMMIT!! I only got $9950 for it!!!!!!!!!!! I knew I should have held out!!!!!

How much did you really get.. and where did you sell it? Ebay?