Complete UFC on Fuel 1 results

Dillashaw is determined for that RNC Phone Post

Damn, he survived.

Watson did a good job of surviving there, all TJ that whole round.

DrunkenBatman - tjs dripping

I thought he was drooling on him. Is it sweat or spit? Phone Post

10-8 Dillashaw.

Dillashaw was going crazy in the first. Props to Watson for surviving

I imagine the next 2 rounds will be the same. Phone Post

Dillashaw should have finished, hope he wont gas out and let Watson get back

Lol 40-2 head strikes! Phone Post

This is possibly the most one sided fight ive seen this year.

Damn Watson is tough!


Yea... I picked the wrong fighter... Phone Post

Miller is smiling now.... :)

Back to back 10-8's for Dillashaw. 20-16.

20-16 so far, beastly grappling from TJ.
Knee KO from Watson now though ;)

 lol, yeah, guillotine from sc. good luck with that

Nice, you've got to wrespect the wrestling.

dirty flying triangle attempt there

 this dude needs to stop watching ari on sub101