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Condit wants to use Rory's emotions against him
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<strong class="ArticleSource">[mmafighting.com]</strong>
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"He looked really good [at UFC on FOX 4]. His stand-up's come a long way. He's kind of developed a lot of new weapons and he looked great," he said. "I think more versatile. He has more tools in his tool belt."
That isn't the only change Condit's noticed. A mean streak has developed in MacDonald, to the point where he's publicly proclaiming on Twitter and in interviews his desire to do untold damage to and cause embarrassment in all of his opponents, Condit included.
"I've felt that vibe being around him the last couple of years. I think it's pretty legit. I think he's genuine," Condit said.
So is MacDonald crazy or just a colorful person?
"I think it's a fine line, right?," Condit wondered. "I don't know. He's a young guy and he's trying to figure out who he is. I think we all go through that. I don't really pay too much mind to that. My concern is the guy, the fighter that I am meeting in the cage."
Condit acknowledges, however, that whatever self-discovery process MacDonald is on, it's also a part of who he is when he competes. In Condit's mind, MacDonald isn't totally divorcing pre-fight antics with in-cage performances and that will be the key to his demise. "I gotta be better than I was in the last fight," Condit admitted. "He's coming into this fight with a lot of emotion, a lot of anger. I really feel like I'm going to be able to use that to my advantage."