Congrats Benson and The LAB MMA

You are an amazing client and fighter, we could not be prouder of you. You showed the rest of the MMA community what we have known for some time, that you can be great.

Donald is a freaking warrior and you both made this sport better tonight so mad props.

Thank you to Rob Monroe, John Crouch, The LAB, MTX Audio (built from the ground up), Ben's training partners and the rest of Team Henderson.




Congrats on a huge win

Great job done by Ben. Congratulations!

 congrats benson, cowboy is a super tough sob.  Big win.

Dale please stop texting me naked pictures of you....

I am feeling a lttle left out here <:-(

Kirik - I am feeling a lttle left out here <:-(

if you do not have an iphone dont waste your time. You have to be able to zoom to see what the hell is going on and then once you do you wish you hadnt.


 ttt great fight.


He has to have "Bendo" as a nickname now right? I don't think I've ever seen an arm bend like that and then still have the ability to punch a second later.....

Seriously.....Bendo or do you submit a guy like that.....?

congrats ben!! everyone watching with me at my house has trained with you before and we all knew you had it. shouldve seen the reactions of everyone when you were getting out of those chokes. amazing
Ryan Kelly

Congrats Ice Ice

Jason, this morning when you shower, think about the fact I can see my penis.  LOL



But ttt anyway for Smooth

The most humble of guys! The first thing I asked about was " how does the arm feel" and remarkably it is just fine...

 Great fan Ben, made a fan out of me.

Ben is my new favorite fighter.