On sat Kenneth "Special K" Farnum was promoted from 2 strip White to 2 STRIPE BLUE! By our Head instructor Eric Williams of Elite Martial Arts in Houston. Kenneth stood out during testing getting about a doz submissions during the rolling portion. If you are in Houston remember that name.
Also Promoted were
Joe 3 stripes on his blue
Chis 2 stripes on his blue
Rachel 4 stripe White
Troy 4 stripe white.
Congrats to all my guys from Team Elite, Northside BJJ!
Blow are a few of us with Eric and Hai

Holy cow... I duck of death sighting.
nice from 2 stripe white to 2 stripe blue. been a while since hes trained with the black belt i assume? lol
not sure what you mean he is one of my students (Brown Belt) however we do all our testing under my instructor Eric Williams.
He has been training for about one year and last tested a few months ago.
Fact is he picks up fast has cardio for days and isnt afraid to attack attack attack.
I had thought he would go to 4 stripe white on his first test but nerves got to him and he just didnt perform at the top of his game. This time however he was ready. In three 10 min rounds in a row I think he maybe got beat once and hit about 15 subs. going against guys who all went to Blue belt and one who was already a blue.
it was ok my wife and kids will be back on the 8th then i can up load some photos.
congrats to your students and looking forward to seeing some pics man! (of ur trip to Argentina)
So you're a brown belt there, popeye? I rolled with a brown belt there named Bruce, and I know you can't be him because I don't see him in the picture--unless that's him in whiteface in the back...
LOL I am indeed but the guy you rolled with teaches at the friendswood school. I teach at teh Spring location, I am the one in the green shorts and tan/brown shirt.
The guy in the back is one of my guys and bigger then Bruce. Bruce is like 6'6" and 240 ish. The guy in the back is forum member 2tall4bjj and he is 6'8" 280.
"You get promoted based on how many times you tap in 3 x 10min. rounds?"
No. The rolling is only one part of the test first part of the test is demonstrating techniques. then comes the sparring portion, which is more to see how well you can actually apply the techniques. Also by the time you are tested there is already a good idea of where you need to be ranked, but sometimes you can preform above or below that mark and that can change the ranking.
oh so he just advances fast i see lol. i was saying that because im a 3 stripe blue and ive been training for 4 years lol. i forget people get good faster than me.
In Action.
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Is that Rachel in the yellow rashguard?
Congrats! She's got a fan...
lol her future husband is pictured on the far left in the lucky gi. but I will let her know.