Congrats to my NEWEST blue belt

You wanna fight lets set this up!

I have a promoter ready to do this!

Are you down or will you puss out

"no disrespect but your a brown belt bud, it would be
like geting a medical degree from a med student"

No. Wrong. you've never seen some brown belts in person, my friend. I just know it.

maybe this fight can take place on the same card as Reinhardt vs. Uyenoyama

Im down to fight on that card! hell Ill fight this guy challenging me FOR FREE!!!

disrespect my students?

I just got off the phone with Cesar and he is pissed! Im gonna beat this guys ass all over the ring. Then Im gonna skull fuck him and lick his balls. OMA style

Cesar says we will film it and winner gets video rights.

Broo I never challenging you to perhaps are confusing me someone else...
I was putting on the plate the difference between BJJ and SW...
And I told you that I would say that in your face that BJJ is different than SW...I did not mention anytime that I would go on the ring or on the mats...

I'm cool with Cesar and I'm not looking to fight anytime soon...I will fight Pan-Ams though if I'm not get hurt!

Not offenses broo,I taught that we could debate about this perhaps we can't!

Good luck in your career!

Im gonna kill you motherfucker! Dont try to back out now! We are fighting. when do you wanna do this?

This would be cool. You don't hear about too many challenge matches. If the challenge match doesn't happen perhaps a grappling super fight at GQ or NAGA or Pan Ams? I mean the argument is about sub wrestling vs. bjj. Just my 2 cents.


Congrats Sal!!! I've been a blue for ages, and I outweight Sal by around 30 lbs, but he always gives me hell. It's well deserved!! If Jake gives a belt, there is absolutely no doubt it has been earned.

You are going to kill me?
Is this a threat?
Like you will kill and I will died?And I will never do BJJ anymore?Why broo?
I love my sport and people involve and I believe that we have something huge in common and I even say congratulation to your students...This is being professional!

I was saying the difference between Tennis and Ping Pong and all that...I taught we were cool!
Now you are cussing at me?

Broo we are all teachers and we are the mirrors to our students we get to give the best example for all of them...I respect all of my students and all of my opponents...I really don't like the politics involve in BJJ and SW...
I believe that the only thing to make this better would be create a federation for both,BJJ and SW!

There two different arts(sports) going in different directions!

If we don't act professional the sport will never get better and students will always look at their intructors as their mirrors!

We as instructors we need to give the best example for the people that follow us.

You gotta be positive in your attitudes, people will see that...specially your fans broo!

Take it easy man don't kill me please...I'm the good guy.

If I died I will never do BJJ or SW again...That would be terrible for my life!

TTT for your blue belt!

Congratulations in your NEWEST blue belt and I apologize if I offend you!

Good luck again broo!

LMAO!!! ^^^^ Trolled!

You gotta love!

It's something amazing...You end up making a lot of friends!

LMAO @ Jake! Leave this poor guy alone already. lol!

"This isnt drilling takedowns at some podunck college. And this isnt a Machado school."

this doesn't sound bad imo.

Im done just nned ed to have some fun with a noob

Um....Am I missing something here? Mr. Shields, are you actually
SERIOUS about this lame-ass adolescent internet posturing? I can't
even figure out what it was that you took offense to in the first place.
Cabecao wasn't insulting you or your student, he just stated his
opinion that submission wrestling and BJJ are two different sports and
should be treated as such. I happen to agree with him.

Submission Wrestlers and BJJ players have fundamentally different
ideas about training, the underlying combat strategies vary greatly
between the gi and the no-gi games, and even the basic rules of
engagement are often completely at odds with each other. Cabacao
didn't say that your student doesn't know his way around a wrestling
mat, he just said that if you study submission wrestling and NOT BJJ,
then the promotion that you're given should reflect the art that you're
actually training IN. If you don't train in BJJ (and I'm sorry but there
simply is no such thing as BJJ sans gi...Submission Wrestling and BJJ are
DIFFERENT ARTS) then you shouldn't be promoted in the art you don't
study. Yes you should be given credit for your progress...but as a
wrestler, not as a BJJ player.

As to beating those black belts...let me won with either a
foot lock or neck crank of some kind, am I right? That's the traditional
wrestler paradigm after all... Dude, I could easily kick some guy's ass
who's been training in Aikido for 30 years. Does that make me a black
belt in Aikido? NO it does not. Your no-gi game may, in fact, be better
than that of some BJJ black belt champions. That's not surprising...after
all...they got their belts in BJJ and NOT in submission wrestling!!! If you
went against those same competitors, using BJJ rules, and wearing a gi,
I'm guessing that the result of your afore mentioned matches would
most likely be quite a bit different.

And chill out. The way you are now you'll most likely bust a blood
vessel before you turn 40...


Coming soon the fight:

Andre Agassi(tennis player) x Guo Yuehua(ping pong player CHN)

Where they should play...

At the table or at the cort?

LOL @ Jess!

She has just humiliated herself/himself

I would be supprseed if she/he ever posted on the internet again

I'm starting to think we're getting trolled man. They can't be serious can they?

ok so you beat some mpretty good guys this year and your a stud all around still doesnt make u a black belt, maybe cesar should be giving out the belts and u should stick to tapping black belts