Conor being a scumbag again

Meh it was an injury they call it a to but, it wasn’t really A tko.


It’s good to be king!

Normally he would slide his hand down his pants and start thinking about her after doing the line. BBQ Sace baby, nom nom nom…

hey jon have i missed your posts or have you been on hiatus?

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Not at all, but I appreciate you acknowledging my greatness and the impact I have on the world around me. I hope you had a tremendous Juneteenth, I kind of look at that holiday as lazy fodder before we celebrate a real American holiday, the 4th of motherfucking july! I hope all is well Hermano


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I dont like the wife talk, but he was within bounds years ago in accusing their charity of being a grift to pay his wife a salary.

I predicted he would never fight again after the first Chandler postponement wayyyyyyy back. They even fired USADA to have that window and he still couldn’t get it done.

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Conor gets paid big money to fight. Dustin gets paid relative peanuts to beat him a bunch of times. Conor tries to get a rematch, Dustin plays hardball and says ‘no thanks’, but what he really means is “if you want a rematch so badly, how about more of an even split”. Conor says “your wife is a whore” to try to stir up the fight, both with the fans, but also to give something to Dustin to latch onto in lieu of giving him a better cut.

Does that about sum it up?

Edit: … I think both guys are making the right move to get their worth. But it’s all smoke and mirrors. Nothing to get worked up over.


I don’t understand Connor. Surely he has made enough dough to be very wealthy for the rest of his life. He is obviously getting messed up and partying his ass off on a regular basis, and good for him, he earned it

Why does he feel the need to talk about fighting again ? He obviously isn’t doing his health any favors with the partying, and he isn’t getting any younger.

He should let that shit go. He was an all time great fighter at one time, but not anymore

He tweeted like he was winded.


Damn Conor listens to Theo Von’s podcast? The Rat King should be stoked!

I hope he fights again so l can see him get wrecked one more time.