Conor drunk in the Bahamas watching UFC tonight

Seriously, when you look at what Fury has done recently, and you look at what Conor has done… only Conor would try to talk shit to Tyson.

Conor is a legit narcissist and he seems like a terrible and insecure man.


Fury went down a similar path to Conor. He wasnt always this beloved guy but he turned it around.

Conor really needs to do the same asap


I could have told you that 8 years ago lol

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I think that is exactly it. Fury hasn’t done anything to Conor. He never said anything bad. But Conor always had a few negative comments when Fury was Ko’ing Wilder.

Fury finally started to talk back.

I think its jealousy. Fury is from west coast of England, just over the sea is Ireland. Fury wears green gloves to honour the Gypsy Irish heritage.

Fury is larger than life character/star, who gets attention, and who people gravitate towards.

All of those concepts overlap with Conor, and Conor’s self-image, and his felt sense of territory.

And Fury is actually a lot more likable than Conor.

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Fury is class

Love what he has become


Are you an actual retard?

Though that post is borderline retarded, he’s not wrong.

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Conor’s tweets are like Ultimate Warrior promos, you like what he’s saying but it doesn’t make any sense.


Calling the reigning heavyweight champ, [6’9’’, 260 pounds]
a little rim licker doesn’t seem a very good idea.
has John Fury seen this shit yet?
john fury 3jpg

God luck is the highest level of luck known to mankind.

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What’s this about Fury standing idle while his friend’s father was being attacked?

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Thanks, hadn’t seen that before. That security guard went way overboard but there was no need for tyson to do anything as it seemed the rest of his goons were already in there mixing it up with some heavyweight staff. Nothing good would have come from it and it wouldn’t have undone the dad getting shoved to the ground.


I’m sorry but security doesn’t know who is who’s father.

The way he jumped the barricade and started approaching the ring he deserves getting thrown to the ground, play stupid games and all that.

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Yeah, i think its one of those things, that is a split second/instant decision.

He may look back on it, and wish he had done it differently. We all have those moments.

Or he might just have an attitude that he doesn’t get into brawling situations, especially when there is an element of confusion/uncertainty. And its not absolutely necessary.

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Conor is the type of guy I absolutely hate hanging out with: Insecure, aggressive and kinda dumb.

No kidding Biebs ditched him in the Bahamas, no point bringing him to the Super Bowl, he is dangerous to his friends after the shit he pulled against that Kelly guy.

I bet Conor can pay plenty of people to party with, of course he might beat the living shit out of them at the end of the night so I hope he pays well $$$