Conor haters worst nightmare

I can't believe people are taking this seriously lol. McGregor would leave that cage impregnated with Silva's seed. Anderson Silva could do whatever he wanted to McGregor. 

In my honest opinion, McGregor should try a run at 145. I think the guys at 155 are way beyond his ability right now. If he were active in fighting then he probably could have kept up, but there are some murderers and the game moved past him. 

It is almost laughable that people are talking about a title run for him at 170. He has zero shot of beating almost anyone noteworthy there except maybe Diaz and Cowboy. Masvidal would probably murk him, at any weight, but in terms of name recognition this is probably the only fight to make at 170. 

If he goes back to 145, I could see him making another run for the title. He had good power and precision, and was doing really well during that great string of wins he had. 

Or they should just put him on for random big exhibition fights that don't mess with the clarity of "rankings" in divisions. That would be great as well. 

Funny how ThePussyQueen disappeared from the thread... :) Guess the stupidity of the trolling finally caught up with her. 

Tmaguru -
Bilge Water -

well, when you are scared to fight for the title, it only makes sense to go after an old has been...

Didn't Silva call him out?

dont try facts and shit on haters mate, they ignore the fuck out of it to suit whatever narrative is going on in their tiny hollow heads
