Conor McGregor Before He got Famous & Arrogant

watahhh -
brockrefnar -


You can understand that the dude is more or less playing a character right?

Its kinda like Andrew Dice Clay he started off as a normal dude. then he came up with this insanely popular character than changed his life for ever.

THEN the real guy who invented that character began turning into that character in real life and before you know it andrew silversteen basically IS Andrew Dice Clay in real life

Thats exactly what happened to Conor. His over the top persona started off as an act. Then it became such a huge deal in his life that he actually morphed into it and now he IS that guy.

Its a weird thing that happens to extremely famous people sometimes. But get Conor behind closed door with no cameras and i bet you good money he is a relatively down to earth super nice guy with a great head on his shoulders.

Could be wrong mind you.

Same thing happened to Tupac ...