Conor trying to buy khabibs home in Russia

Yes, instead of training and fighting the best fighters out there to make the case for a rematch, make instagram videos that have fuck all to do with fighting.

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Conor is just trolling and lol if he buys his house :laughing:
Netflix series of trashing khabibā€™s house

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He should turn the home into a Jewish synagogue


Iā€™m pretty sure Mark Cuban did the same thing with a strip club that wouldnā€™t let him in

wait. wtf? let conor see/handle those tiddies

Definitely not! But I love the fact that thereā€™s going to be a red panty night and deviant sexual acts going on in the room where khabib once humped a blanketā€¦

McGregor is hilarious!!!

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Yeahā€¦that village seems like they would welcome whores and drugs into their communityā€¦


let conor bang bro

Is it? Maybe ā€¦ probably ā€¦ Iā€™ll take your word for it, the joy of middle aged memory :smiley:



Maybe we can get khabib to take on Conor is a powerslap contest

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wtf youā€™re calling me an old cunt for noticing something obvious. thatā€™s outrageous.

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Yeah Iā€™m not debating that at all, Iā€™m just saying heā€™s got to want another shot

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Definitely. Chandler may be on suicide watch if he doesnā€™t get that fight rebooked

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Thatā€™s fair.

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No I was calling myself an old cunt.

ha nice, sorry, self-deprecating humour is rare on here so i assumed your post was an attack of sorts.


He would 1000% return his black babieā€¦


Heā€™s scared to even to fight Chandler and itā€™s probably the best chance he has at beating a top 15 fighter.