Corner's need to start throwing in towels

I understand giving your fighter a chance fight through but I guarantee the fact he fought on is the reason Varner tore up his ligament and probably made the break worse. Was pretty obvious there was a SERIOUS issue IMO, would like to see corner's swallowing pride a little more

I was shouting in a bar for the fight to be stopped. Not quite apollos wife but I has some beer in me and had some emotion! Aside from proving hes a warrior (its awesome looking back) what did it achieve?

They should of thrown the towel as soon as he got hurt imo Phone Post 3.0

WeidmanBrokeTheLEGend - I was shouting in a bar for the fight to be stopped. Not quite apollos wife but I has some beer in me and had some emotion! Aside from proving hes a warrior (its awesome looking back) what did it achieve?

They should of thrown the towel as soon as he got hurt imo Phone Post 3.0

My point exactly, I played soccer at a decent level and tore the shit out of my ankle at 18. Still played for years after but never the same spring and it's still uncomfortable when I try to sleep.

Musashi - It's not legal for a corner to throw in the towel.

Is there an MMA equivalent?

To much money is on the line. Phone Post 3.0

To much money is on the line, these fighters would rather die then give up. MMA is a sport where one loss can literally end your career or put you financially in a horrible position.

I think referees need to stop fights eariler, they let them go on way too long IMO. Phone Post 3.0

Los Angeles - To much money is on the line. Phone Post 3.0

I know, sucks that they generally get payed so little that they are willing to keep going despite a leg not responding at all. After seeing that viral vid of the amateur bout where the dude tapped because he was beating the shit out of his opponent, I was actually hoping Krause would do the same.....then I remembered these guys get payed peanuts so no chance.

Musashi - 
Mastiff88 - 
Musashi - It's not legal for a corner to throw in the towel.

Is there an MMA equivalent?


that should probably change IMO

Musashi - It's not legal for a corner to throw in the towel.

I may be wrong, but I believe thats the point of throwing in the towel. Would get their fighter disqualified and would stop the fight. At least that what I think I read on here awhile back.

KING Stannis Baratheon - 
Musashi -
Mastiff88 - 
Musashi - It's not legal for a corner to throw in the towel.

Is there an MMA equivalent?

Didn't Diazs corner throw the towel in when the Punk kicked his head off? Phone Post 3.0

Yeah Nick threw it, not 100% but I think ref didn't see it but was stepping in anyway. Would've been interesting to see reaction if he wasn't stepping in and had seen it though

Musashi - It's not legal for a corner to throw in the towel.
Old rules

If a corner throws in the towel it would be stopped im sure Phone Post 3.0

RickStorm - 
Musashi - It's not legal for a corner to throw in the towel.

I may be wrong, but I believe thats the point of throwing in the towel. Would get their fighter disqualified and would stop the fight. At least that what I think I read on here awhile back.

Correct. There is no "throwing in the towel" rule in boxing the way people understand it. It's a way to quickly and noticeably place a foreign object in the ring for the purpose of disqualification.

In the varner fight I felt the ref or doctors should have stopped to check, they would've if it was a massive cut. It was obvious he couldn't fight fairly anymore Phone Post 3.0

dillon66 - In the varner fight I felt the ref or doctors should have stopped to check, they would've if it was a massive cut. It was obvious he couldn't fight fairly anymore Phone Post 3.0
This. Phone Post 3.0

The ref should have stopped it to have it looked at. He had to have seen that he was collapsing because of it on multiple occassions. Is a ref allowed to have something like that checked out?

It depends on the commission, but many commissions tell corners that if they want the fight stopped to tell the inspector assigned to them and they will handle it. Phone Post 3.0

Mastiff88 -
Musashi - 
Mastiff88 - 
Musashi - It's not legal for a corner to throw in the towel.

Is there an MMA equivalent?


that should probably change IMO
Throwing in the towel in boxing doesn't end the fight either Phone Post 3.0

RickStorm - 
Musashi - It's not legal for a corner to throw in the towel.

I may be wrong, but I believe thats the point of throwing in the towel. Would get their fighter disqualified and would stop the fight. At least that what I think I read on here awhile back.

it stops the fight because its illegal. if it was legal to throw the towel then it wouldn't stop the fight.....

donnybrook - It depends on the commission, but many commissions tell corners that if they want the fight stopped to tell the inspector assigned to them and they will handle it. Phone Post 3.0

i've had the comission refuse to.  though that comission isn't a comission anymore.

There was a thread on here a month or so ago about Greg Jackson telling the ref to stop a fight when his fighter was being destroyed. Might have been Bellator. IIRC the ref was actually asking Jackson if he wanted his fighter to keep going.

Totally agree that the towel should have been thrown in the Varner vs Krause fight. You gotta respect a man's heart and drive to fight, but sometimes you gotta protect your adrenaline driven friend from doing something just plain stupid. That said, I have all amounts of respect for Varner for trying to finish the fight with a broken ankle. Less respect for the corner in that situation.