Am I the only on that found Tanner's cornrows ridiculous?
R Kelly liked them.
I think Tanner is ridiculous in general, but his cornrows really accentuated just how ridiculous he really is.
Are you trying to say that a honkey can't sport corn rows?
Are you the only one that didn't expect him to have corn rows?
He's worn them before.
It's always fun to try to guess what style of hair Evan will sport. I like the Samurai look personally.
Cornrows just look stupid on anybody, escpecially when your swells up twice its normal size.
better than the Farah Fawcett hair he has goin' on under there...
It's his homage to Bo Derek in the movie "10." Now back the fuck offa da cornrows, mang!
His blocking shots w/ his face was an homage to Rocky movies and "The Elephant Man."
Tanner is a big movie fan, needless to say.
He said he only did that so his hair would be completely out of the way. It wasn't a fashion statement.
only crazy demented strange people sport cornrows, braids or mohawks.
i repeat!
People complain about too much bullshit.
cornrows are actually the only way to have long hair in the ring and not have it go everywhere
"cornrows are actually the only way to have long hair in the ring and not have it go everywhere "
obviously youve never seen jerry-curls
cannibal- you need to post more!
then wtf do u do if you have long hair? paulson-tail? arlovski-fro?
LOL! @ Jerry Curls!
the ghetto shine is also confidence inspiring
bryster is a white boy
You guys are a bunch of queens. Please.
And FWIW, Franklin's shorts TOTALLY took away from his beautiful eyes.