Costa Philippou leaves Team Longo-Serra

"He is deeply appreciative of everything that both Matt Serra and Ray Longo have done for him," McMahon said. "However, Costa felt he needed a change to advance his career to the next level.

Same division as Weidman, no surprise.

Refuse to Lose - 

Any info on where he might be headed? Phone Post

Article says

"He is now training with Keith Trimble at the Bellmore Kickboxing Academy [also on Long Island, N.Y.] and looking forward to his next fight."

KevinMcAllister - 

Same division as Weidman, no surprise.

That makes sense.

Keith Trimble is an awsome coach and actually one of the most standup guys I have ever met. Good luck to costa and keith Phone Post 3.0

HighFreq - 
KevinMcAllister - 

Same division as Weidman, no surprise.

That makes sense.

Good point didn't even think about that.

PS, Kevin, this thread lacks Gifs :)

Makes sense to leave, that team feels Chris will beat Silva so it would be strange having them train together since Costa is top 10 and climbing the ranks.

Brigham - 
HighFreq - 
KevinMcAllister - 

Same division as Weidman, no surprise.

That makes sense.

Good point didn't even think about that.

PS, Kevin, this thread lacks Gifs :)

LOL VU for you sir

that's a big mistake.

Hope it works out for him Phone Post 3.0

MMALOGIC - that's a big mistake.

I agree. Phone Post

KevinMcAllister -
Brigham - 
HighFreq - 
KevinMcAllister - 

Same division as Weidman, no surprise.

That makes sense.

Good point didn't even think about that.

PS, Kevin, this thread lacks Gifs :)

Ha ha!

I wished Rampage was still in his prime. Awesome fighter and character. Phone Post 3.0

HighFreq -

"He is deeply appreciative of everything that both Matt Serra and Ray Longo have done for him," McMahon said. "However, Costa felt he needed a change to advance his career to the next level.


Costa realized Chris Weidman is Team Serra Longo's golden ticket, likely to win the belt and I want some of that title shot action myself if I keep winning.

Training with Gian Villante and Ryan LaFlare.... nice.

Card -

Training with Gian Villante and Ryan LaFlare.... nice.

Yeap. And Dennis Bermudez. Not a bad crew. Phone Post 3.0

Bad idea Phone Post 3.0

Outlaw'd by Lytle -
KevinMcAllister -
Brigham - 
HighFreq - 
KevinMcAllister - 

Same division as Weidman, no surprise.

That makes sense.

Good point didn't even think about that.

PS, Kevin, this thread lacks Gifs :)

Ha ha!

I wished Rampage was still in his prime. Awesome fighter and character. Phone Post 3.0

Agreed. This might be my personal GOAT stare-down moment. Phone Post

lmao at the gif

Michael Chase - 
Outlaw'd by Lytle -
KevinMcAllister -
Brigham - 
HighFreq - 
KevinMcAllister - 

Same division as Weidman, no surprise.

That makes sense.

Good point didn't even think about that.

PS, Kevin, this thread lacks Gifs :)

Ha ha!

I wished Rampage was still in his prime. Awesome fighter and character. Phone Post 3.0

Agreed. This might be my personal GOAT stare-down moment. Phone Post

Rampage wiped the black off of Jones in that staredown.