Couple kettle bell questions

Ok so I got this 40lb kettlebell from a buddy of mine, we went over the basic swing / rack position but I was wondering if there was anything I could do beforehand to get used to the thing a bit more or just hop into the two handed swing?

I have done a bit of looking around on YouTube and skimmed through the other threads here

Also exhale at bottom swing breathe in on way up? Phone Post 3.0

I don't think it can get more basic than the swing as far as KB movements go.

If you're really out of shape (ie just came from being bedridden in a hospital for weeks/months), or obese, bodyweight exercises/walking/jogging might be better to help you regain mobility.

Unless you have any type of injury a 2 handed swing is a great way to start. Not hard to learn and can build up to a lot of reps.

For 2 to 3 weeks just two handed swing. Every other day do 15 to 20 swings for 3 sets. In between sets hit some push-ups or pull ups. After that go to one handed swings high pulls and clean and presses. After a month or so of those then try out some snatches. I kept my kb in the house for the first couple of months and every time I walked by or looked at it I would bang out 10 or so swings. Phone Post 3.0

For 2 to 3 weeks just two handed swing. Every other day do 15 to 20 swings for 3 sets. In between sets hit some push-ups or pull ups. After that go to one handed swings high pulls and clean and presses. After a month or so of those then try out some snatches. I kept my kb in the house for the first couple of months and every time I walked by or looked at it I would bang out 10 or so swings. Phone Post 3.0

Swings, goblet squats, and getups for 2 to 4 weeks to build the mechanics and the stability in the shoulders.

After that 1 arm swings, cleans, presses, and high pulls. After that start practicing the snatch and then you have s solid foundation to do whatever you want.

Heavy Getups have always been a staple of my kettlebell routines and they pay off big. Phone Post 3.0