Cowboy reacts to Nate!

Dressing like a Cowboy and telling other men you are gonna "get up in their ass" is a classic schtick!

ShaqNoob - 
CindyO - 
role model - 
Pork Sword -
Kumite4 - The Diaz brothers are real life trolls. The more you play into their junior high school yard games the more the get off on it. Cowboy shouldnt say ONE more word to that guy. Just walk into the ring and start swinging.

 They aren't trolls if that is how they genuinely act...
Cowboy is getting smoked and probably tapped. Bump it after it happens.

<b>Cerrone outclasses Diaz in every conceivable way as a fighter AND a person.</b> Better standup, slicker ground game, stronger, faster, etc. Not to mention he's a standup guy not a low class scumbag like Nate who looks and talks like he is mentally handicapped.

Cerrone is gonna brutalize Nate in a bad bad way <img border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;" alt="Phone Post" src="/images/phone/apple.png" />

 I bet his checkbook doesn't outclass either Diaz brothers;)


What the hell does $ have to do with anything? Had to be a female to say something as stupid as this.

Exactly. Not to mention Nick was just bitching about not having money too long ago lol.

They could get paid millions and still act/live the same way. Remember you can take a person out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the person....

rrg1 -
ShaqNoob - 
CindyO - 
role model - 
Pork Sword -
Kumite4 - The Diaz brothers are real life trolls. The more you play into their junior high school yard games the more the get off on it. Cowboy shouldnt say ONE more word to that guy. Just walk into the ring and start swinging.

 They aren't trolls if that is how they genuinely act...
Cowboy is getting smoked and probably tapped. Bump it after it happens.

<b>Cerrone outclasses Diaz in every conceivable way as a fighter AND a person.</b> Better standup, slicker ground game, stronger, faster, etc. Not to mention he's a standup guy not a low class scumbag like Nate who looks and talks like he is mentally handicapped.

Cerrone is gonna brutalize Nate in a bad bad way <img border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;" alt="Phone Post" src="/images/phone/apple.png" />

 I bet his checkbook doesn't outclass either Diaz brothers;)


What the hell does $ have to do with anything? Had to be a female to say something as stupid as this.

Exactly. Not to mention Nick was just bitching about not having money too long ago lol.

They could get paid millions and still act/live the same way. Remember you can take a person out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the person....

The earlier poster said that Cerrone outclasses diaz in EVERY way as a fighter and as a person. Cindy made the rebuttal that they've probably made more money than him. Not saying I agree or that it even matters, but dont just jump on Cindy for giving a valid response to what was said. Phone Post

GriffinQ - 
rrg1 -
ShaqNoob - 
CindyO - 
role model - 
Pork Sword -
Kumite4 - The Diaz brothers are real life trolls. The more you play into their junior high school yard games the more the get off on it. Cowboy shouldnt say ONE more word to that guy. Just walk into the ring and start swinging.

 They aren't trolls if that is how they genuinely act...
Cowboy is getting smoked and probably tapped. Bump it after it happens.

<b>Cerrone outclasses Diaz in every conceivable way as a fighter AND a person.</b> Better standup, slicker ground game, stronger, faster, etc. Not to mention he's a standup guy not a low class scumbag like Nate who looks and talks like he is mentally handicapped.

Cerrone is gonna brutalize Nate in a bad bad way <img border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;" alt="Phone Post" src="/images/phone/apple.png" />

 I bet his checkbook doesn't outclass either Diaz brothers;)


What the hell does $ have to do with anything? Had to be a female to say something as stupid as this.

Exactly. Not to mention Nick was just bitching about not having money too long ago lol.

They could get paid millions and still act/live the same way. Remember you can take a person out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the person....
The earlier poster said that Cerrone outclasses diaz in EVERY way as a fighter and as a person. Cindy made the rebuttal that they've probably made more money than him. Not saying I agree or that it even matters, but dont just jump on Cindy for giving a valid response to what was said. <img src="/images/phone/droid.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

It wasn't a valid response at all and plus Cerrone is a better fighter and human being. Not too hard to argue that. Plus he's going to showcase on Nate.

lormpino - What did cerrone do? He tried to talk to Diaz??? Proof , vid!!!!! <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

here bro:

The response was a classical woman thing, ie $$$.

I'd much rather make an okay amount of money and be a genuine, mature adult than to make a lot, live like I don't and have a shitty attitude.

It just goes to show which people value more anymore and it's disgusting. Doesn't surprise me though when you look around.

GriffinQ - 
Pacquiao vs Klitschkos - Let me guess, y'alls favorite fighter is John Polakowski.The TUF guy who likes hugging his opponents.

 Funnily enough, Polakowski is the kind of fighter most people would enjoy watching. His fights with Olaf Alfonso were WARS

Without the rivalries and personalities mma would be like men's tennis.

Jetster - 
Winston Wolf - 
Jetster - Why did he bother going to talk to Nate about it!? F'k just fight the guy, he seems to be looking for a reason Nate did the stunt?! i don't get it? fight the F'er and settle it in the Octagon!!

whats he supposed to do ? cower and bow down to him ? Guess what Cowboy isnt scared of Diaz

he should not have addressed him at all, did you see the video?, it seemed he went out of his way to go talk with him?

honestly i couldnt make out what he was saying to Nate.I just want to see a good fight.The more they dont like each other the more epic a fight we will have IMO.Both very good fighters IMO

CindyO - 
role model - 
Pork Sword -
Kumite4 - The Diaz brothers are real life trolls. The more you play into their junior high school yard games the more the get off on it. Cowboy shouldnt say ONE more word to that guy. Just walk into the ring and start swinging.

 They aren't trolls if that is how they genuinely act...
Cowboy is getting smoked and probably tapped. Bump it after it happens.

<b>Cerrone outclasses Diaz in every conceivable way as a fighter AND a person.</b> Better standup, slicker ground game, stronger, faster, etc. Not to mention he's a standup guy not a low class scumbag like Nate who looks and talks like he is mentally handicapped.

Cerrone is gonna brutalize Nate in a bad bad way <img border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;" alt="Phone Post" src="/images/phone/apple.png" />

 I bet his checkbook doesn't outclass either Diaz brothers;)


Checkbook...when was the last time anyone used a checkbook?

rrg1 - The response was a classical woman thing, ie $$$.

I'd much rather make an okay amount of money and be a genuine, mature adult than to make a lot, live like I don't and have a shitty attitude.

It just goes to show which people value more anymore and it's disgusting. Doesn't surprise me though when you look around.

Not that it really matters, but cerrone has said exactly the opposite. He said in a recent interview, I care about money. If they paid me more to lose, I'd lose.

Winston Wolf - 
Jetster - 
Winston Wolf - 
Jetster - Why did he bother going to talk to Nate about it!? F'k just fight the guy, he seems to be looking for a reason Nate did the stunt?! i don't get it? fight the F'er and settle it in the Octagon!!

whats he supposed to do ? cower and bow down to him ? Guess what Cowboy isnt scared of Diaz

he should not have addressed him at all, did you see the video?, it seemed he went out of his way to go talk with him?

honestly i couldnt make out what he was saying to Nate.I just want to see a good fight.The more they dont like each other the more epic a fight we will have IMO.Both very good fighters IMO

It was hard to make things out but it did seem like from what Nate was saying that Cowboy was asking why Nate did what he did but way too nicely!

Sup with Applebees bros?! Phone Post

I am sure I'll get VTFD for saying this but ... For some reason I find it hard to like someone in a cowboy hat ... even if they are good people. Blind meaningless hate kinda like racism ... but only rather than skin color it's cowboy hats ... and I couldn't even tell you why ... Phone Post

Bartholomew P Skibbenheims III - I am sure I'll get VTFD for saying this but ... For some reason I find it hard to like someone in a cowboy hat ... even if they are good people. Blind meaningless hate kinda like racism ... but only rather than skin color it's cowboy hats ... and I couldn't even tell you why ... <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

Lmao!! That's Gold Buddy!! Hey it is a lil' F'ked up but at least your honest...Probably Brokeback Mountain messed up all the cowboys out there!! Lmao

Outlaw'd by Lytle - 
Slowshot -
rrg1 - The response was a classical woman thing, ie $$$.

I'd much rather make an okay amount of money and be a genuine, mature adult than to make a lot, live like I don't and have a shitty attitude.

It just goes to show which people value more anymore and it's disgusting. Doesn't surprise me though when you look around.

Not that it really matters, but cerrone has said exactly the opposite. He said in a recent interview, I care about money. If they paid me more to lose, I'd lose.
No way does Cowboy take a dive for a Dollar. You should be ashamed of yourself.<br><br>He wouldn't really dip shit. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

Don't get mad at me, dude. Cerrone was the one who said it, not me.

R0CK0 -
Pacquiao vs Klitschkos -
GriffinQ - 
Pacquiao vs Klitschkos - Let me guess, y'alls favorite fighter is John Polakowski.The TUF guy who likes hugging his opponents.

 Funnily enough, Polakowski is the kind of fighter most people would enjoy watching. His fights with Olaf Alfonso were WARS

Without the rivalries and personalities mma would be like men's tennis.

except with full contact....? Phone Post

And nothing like men's tennis. Phone Post

lol at the checkbook comment, as if that has anything to do with it,

besides, im rooting for diaz and back him all the way, but i imagine nate and cowboy make close to the same amount, Nick is the one making a lot more i imagine,

but again, lol that $ was brought up

Slowshot - 
rrg1 - The response was a classical woman thing, ie $$$.

I'd much rather make an okay amount of money and be a genuine, mature adult than to make a lot, live like I don't and have a shitty attitude.

It just goes to show which people value more anymore and it's disgusting. Doesn't surprise me though when you look around.

Not that it really matters, but cerrone has said exactly the opposite. He said in a recent interview, I care about money. If they paid me more to lose, I'd lose.

 Ha! Thank you. The checkbook matters, I don't care who you are. LOL@ people pretending it doesn't!


eagleswhat1 - 
CindyO - 
role model - 
Pork Sword -
Kumite4 - The Diaz brothers are real life trolls. The more you play into their junior high school yard games the more the get off on it. Cowboy shouldnt say ONE more word to that guy. Just walk into the ring and start swinging.

 They aren't trolls if that is how they genuinely act...

Cowboy is getting smoked and probably tapped. Bump it after it happens.


<b>Cerrone outclasses Diaz in every conceivable way as a fighter AND a person.</b> Better standup, slicker ground game, stronger, faster, etc. Not to mention he's a standup guy not a low class scumbag like Nate who looks and talks like he is mentally handicapped.

Cerrone is gonna brutalize Nate in a bad bad way <img border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;" alt="Phone Post" src="/images/phone/apple.png" />

 I bet his checkbook doesn't outclass either Diaz brothers;)

Cindy do know Cerrone comes from a very wealthy family and owns his own ranch......

 Not when I made the post:)



Proof or it didn't happen. I seriously doubt cowboy tried to kiss and make up.

And who gives a fuck if someone make more money that has nothing to do with being a decent human being.

However having said that I'd bet dollars to donuts cowboy made more then Nate this year he won his last four plus one of the 75,000 bonuses in each of those fights and that does not include sponsers. The kid is doing well for himself.