Craigslist Tix Safe?

I am heading down to vegas may.22 for stag party and hoping to catch the ufc with one or two guys from the party. it is all sold out now, so looking for other sources. Just wondering what your guys opinion on craigslist is? There is someone in the vancouver area here I see listed for 2 tix, but it worries me buying tickets that are either fake or stolen. I don't wanna head down there with junk tickets. Now, do you guys think it is going to be possible to by some tickets from scalpers down there or not? Or should I keep looking online or on the UG? thanks.

Go to, its safer

 yeah stubhub is the best way

 I highly recommend Executive Ticket Source. I was able to pick up 2 tickets on the Saturday of UFC 83 in Montreal at great price. Here are the tickets avilable for UFC 84.