Crazy Rampage Jackson stories?

What’s with Apple & his problem with Brennan & his guys? I heard that they had a brawl on a beach also.Apple went to jail right Erik?

Something about you being with the “Lords” and throwing water ballons?


Where are u getting all of this?

1st of all, I like Chris alot. He and I get along great

Yea we didnt get along the 1st couple times we came across each other. I thought I was tough, and chris actually was tough haha. I didnt know any better. This was before I even trained with Marco.

Marco and Chris had a falling out so all of RVT wad supposed to be mad at NG. I honestly dont even know why they stopped getting along

Alot of the lords went to jail or juvy. I never did

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Oh well I tried.

*If I made it sound like Erik & Chris fought each other…they did not.

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Who was in Ruas Vale Tudo besides Marco Ruas and Pedro Rizzo?

Robert Emerson.

Marcos nephew

Is it true Marco beat the shit out of you guys and it made you overly tentative like Rizzo.

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I looked at the results on Sherdog. I remember there being more fights for some reason. I’m guessing you’re Mendehlson? I remember that Sean Betts guy was like a juco wrestler who they pulled up to fight that day and he got armbarred and spent the next few minutes throwing up. I guess he wasn’t in shape at all. Also forgot McCall fought too. And I remember Camacho had a terrified look when Fred lifted him up and slammed him, that mat had no give at all. If you could even call it a mat. I’m consistently amazed at what MMA became. Just so much wild and crazy stuff that went on, people don’t even believe you now since they just see the sanitized version on TV.

I went back & listened to the video on Youtube & I wanted to say that I fucked up by saying that Erik went to jail.Chris did say that he thinks that Erik went to jail.

So don’t blame Chris for something I said Erik.I was the one who was mistaken.

WTF? lol…Jesus Christ

MMA prior to it getting on TV and being treated like a real sport was like the wild west. I barely believe some of it, but saw it happen.

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For sure. You were a legend of my youth.

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Yup. That’s me. It was a fun show. That mat was like sandpaper on top of concrete. Weigh ins were also strange. I never saw my opponent until the fight. I was told he weighed in previously. If truly was the Wild West. Some guy actually fought in a singlet and another guy tapped to strikes without actually being hit. Strange day for certain.

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As I recall, and this may be a mistake on my part, but I was originally supposed to fight someone else and found out the day of that my opponent had been changed to a student of the school sponsoring the event. I think we were in different weight classes too, for some reason. Again, I may be confusing this with a different show. Lots of events happened back then that were in sanctioned and never reported. I remember being surprised that the Judges were actually pretty legit fighters. Usually, you’d walk into a place and there was nothing and no one that made it feel legitimate. It was cool competing in front of those guys. I admit, though, that the outcome confused me. I could accept losing based on the 2 rounds, but they called that a Draw and sent us to overtime. I definitely won the overtime, but somehow lost the fight it was confusing. As I said, though, my opponent was a really nice guy. I forgot his name, but I don’t know if he ever competed again.

Last minute opponent changes were notorious out in AZ. You could show up thinking you would fight somebody only for them to no show or something else. Before it was sanctioned there were all kinds of mismatches, huge weight differences, guys fighting 2 or 3 times even if they got stopped. It was beautiful madness.

Sean was drunk when he fought
And didnt train at all lol

Did I stop being a legend at some point? Ouch

That explains a lot. He still put up a pretty good fight for about 4 minutes from what I remember.