Crippler going to sleep!

Wait for it,Wait.........

or not.


sterling de boner - Wait for it,Wait.........

 sterling de boner Send Private Message Add Comment To Profile 

Member Since: 2/28/10 


Posts: 1497 

 Yes he is, tonight in his hotel room, comfortably, knowing he just beat a legend.

Sweet thread.... :-| Phone Post

Yea after his after party Phone Post

Seamus619 -  Yes he is, tonight in his hotel room, comfortably, knowing he just beat a legend.

Not even a shell of his former self. Regardless Leben had a nice KO.

Ya sea Ricahrdson in his corner! JKD baby!!

CGJiuJitsu -
sterling de boner - Wait for it,Wait.........

 sterling de boner Send Private Message Add Comment To Profile 

Member Since: 2/28/10 
Posts: 1497 

I can't stop laughing at this! Phone Post


Maybe crippler can have another 30 second fight with Anderson for a reality check?Nice win though.

Leben has a very solid chin and he took a couple solid shots that most guys would buckle or back down most guys. Leben just took em got set and started throwing back.

Ok maybe Leben can last 60 sec.against Anderson now?