Cris Cyborg passes several drug tests

Invicta FC tells Inside MMA exclusively that Cris Cyborg Justino has passed multiple drug tests.

ssj - 
MentaL - 

how about a drug test ALL THE WAY through camp. 

<br />
what will that solve? i highly doubt we will ever see a failed cyborg test, too much to lose.</blockquote>


didn't we see one last year?

Well we never actually saw the test, but we heard the results.


Ya that's wonderful. Im just saying that if you give me a month, I'll pass a marijuana test

No shock she clearly looks different Phone Post 3.0

MentaL - 

how about a drug test ALL THE WAY through camp. 

How about we do that for the UFC elite?

JustAnotherMMAFan -

Invicta FC tells Inside MMA exclusively that Cris Cyborg Justino has passed multiple drug tests.


really good to hear he passed

MentaL -

how about a drug test ALL THE WAY through camp. 

This should happen everywhere.

All we can take from this is that either Cyborg isn't using or that she passed an IQ test and tapered off at the correct time. I'm not insinuating anything, all I'm saying is that there is still a possibility she is abusing PED's during her camp and then reaping the benefits come fight time and passing her test.

This isn't just Cyborg I'm talking about here, this applies to everyone. Phone Post 3.0

Bout time.....

When reached for comment, Cyborg said " What the hell??..."

12SixElbow -
MentaL - 

how about a drug test ALL THE WAY through camp. 

How about we do that for the UFC elite?

Probably should for those that have failed tests in the past Phone Post 3.0