Critical BJJ - Tight Choke from Back Mount

Hey there everyone, VT-1 Gym in Sydney, Australia has the latest Critical BJJ Technique video available for you guys. This week we look at finishing your opponent from the back. This position is where you have a deep collar grip but your opponent is doing a good job of defending the doorbell choke or the bow and arrow choke. You can take the bottom of the their lapel on the other side to the choking hand and stretch it out with your foot. This provides a lot of leverage to finish the choke. Check out the video, test it out and let us know what you think.

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 how in the EFF do you think to do that???  pretty sweet!

Awesome video as always! I gotta try this one out. 

 I'm still a white belt and I have been doing it that way for awhile now! I don't want people to see my secrets!!


Man... i really like your stuff

cheers guys stay tuned for more

I have trained with a number of world class bjj fighters and instructors and imho Liam's knowledge of BJJ and his ability to effectively teach it to individuals of widely differing technical and physical ability is up there with the best of them.

Good point re ET as well, had never thought of that before.

Nice. Thanks for sharing.

 that's pretty sweet.