Cheick Kongo vs. Mirko Cro Cop should have been a draw at least. I have no idea how Cheick got away with kneeing him in the balls 4 TIMES without getting a point taken away. After being warned after the second round, he still only got another warning after doing it TWICE in the 3rd round.
I know people will say it wouldn't have changed the outcome of the fight. Maybe so, but if you think you could fight after being kneed in the jewels by a 230 lb monster, you are delusional.
Crocop is done. He has lost his edge. He is unwilling to commit, and boring. It is upsetting, as he is one of my favorites, but Dana shouldn't re-sign him.
Maybe Pride was not that much better than the UFC after all.
exactly you dont get kneed in the balls from a 230 pound man and get up that easy, you would be holding your stomach wanting to die, evry man knows that. he was holding his balls. he was kneed there but i did not hurt him he was just tired and wanted a break.