Cruz vs. Faber

Round 1 = Cruz.

Perfer Et Obdura - Clearly Joe and Goldberg want Faber to win

 good shit so far

Hard round to score there, I might go with Faber for the buckle Phone Post

1-0 Cruz.

Cruz moves like a sped up Charlie Chaplin

I think Cruz got Rd 1

I think Faber got r1.
Don't see a lot of power in Cruz' hands.

I thought Faber had the first, but it could be scored either way. Stumbling Cruz did it IMO.

They both are breathing pretty heavy already... ruh roh.

 cruz takes round 1.  faber got the KD but cruz overwhelmed throughout

Cruz walks him down but then half the time doesn't throw

so elusive is cruz, winning this round for sure so far

32Hunter - 
Shogun121 - 
32Hunter - Cruz won't be able to dance his way out of trouble for 5 rounds against a legit top level guy.

Did you miss the benevdaz fight?

Well Joe's, never been a champ has he? that's what I meant.

You said "Legit top Level guy"

But if you meant champ... ok, i actually think joseph might be as good as faber.

How do you score this?

Could easily see the first going either way. The second at halfway mark same way.Really even fight.

What the hell are people booing for?

Cruz is slowing down Phone Post

Faber has slowed significantly Phone Post

Reed Rothchild - Faber is landing the much bigger shots <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

Ya and he had the most memorable shots in both rounds puttin Cruz down twice.