Curling With Amir Sadollah

yea we invented this....

yes we are retards ;-)

Not sure if that's entirely true... The part about you guys inventing it, I mean. Phone Post

Amir is sort of a Badass .

putting Va on the map. I like his front kick . Anyone else train under rick mccoy?

CapnsavemIsDead - Not sure if that's entirely true... The part about you guys inventing it, I mean. Phone Post

Whattt ? who else has EVER done scooter curling ??

yea us...

 Oh Em Gee.


I still like the post fight dance better.... LOL

this one was pretty good though.

Vinny Magalhães - I still like the post fight dance better.... LOL
this one was pretty good though.

hahhaah yeaaa this one ?

The Hyena - 

var so = new SWFObject("", "postVideo-32237378-Flash", "425", "355", "9.0.28", "##000"); so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "samedomain"); so.addParam("allowNetworking", "internal"); so.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); so.write("postVideo-32237378");
Vinny Magalhães - I still like the post fight dance better.... LOL

this one was pretty good though.

hahhaah yeaaa this one ?

 yeah! hahaa this one is awesome!