Seriously why would they put this guy on a suicide watch?
Every dad on the OG just got a small cramp in his stomach from this story.
there's parts of Miami that are so bad and hopeless, this doesn't surprise me...
So sad RIP to the lil boy.
MMALOGIC - So what's the difference between this and someone who kills a 4 month old baby?
Oh right... one goes to jail and the other is an activist.
sweepnchoke - I have a 1yr old, and just reading this makes me sick to my stomache.
I have a three year old and we horse around all the time. I agree this makes me so sad, poor kid never stood a chance.
I am going home to be with my kids.
mrzipplokk - He is not going to enjoy what they do to him in prison :-(
One can only HOPE.
TrevorRice - he is should be executed immediatly, piece of crap.
MMALOGIC - So what's the difference between this and someone who kills a 4 month old baby?
Oh right... one goes to jail and the other is an activist.
i dont get the activist reference...what am i missing?
Immediate execution would be far too merciful for this vile individual.
What he needs is to be confined with a large number of extremely violent criminals, with minimal correctional officers.
Justice will serve itself...and very, very painfully. Hopefully many times.
FieryErmine - Why put him on suicide watch? If the dude wants to off himself I figure he's doing everyone a favor. Give him a rope and what happens, happens.
Nah, a rope would be to easy. When the other inmates find out what he has done, believe me... it will be much more gratifying to know he will suffer daily. Dangling at the end of a rope for a few minutes is a cake walk compared to what is in store for him. I lived in Miami/Dade... I have seen the guys that run the streets there. I can only imagine the BAD mother fuckers that they have locked up! This guy will receive a couple doses of justice each week. Bet that.
Suicide watch please. Can we also get a web cam in the yard? Oh yeah... and some really buttery popcorn?!
I give my 2-year-old daughter boxing lessons. She puts on my gloves (they're huge, it's so cute) and punches me in the face. No one has ever come to any harm during our highly educational lessons.
Haadogei - With stuff like this I'm almost equally disturbed by the forum posts as the crimes. At least 3 posts above reference man rape and sound WAY too excited by it.
UGer: "what a horrible crime......I can't wait for him to be RAPED over and over! With a chainsaw! On webcam with popcorn......mmmm yeah......I can't stop thinking about it."
Uhhh, the solution to problems like this isn't having sex with men, sorry to break it to you guys.
No webcams with popcorn, IMO. However, if it happens, it happens. In this guy's case, great.
WTF is wrong with you & your post claiming being equally disturbed by people who may want justice, be it deviant or not?
This is a man who BEAT TO DEATH a small child, you small-minded prick.
I'm not particularly excited about man-rape, but I have to tell's not going to hurt my feelings if this is what this POS encounters.
And I'm not going to hear your liberal ass preaching to me about how it's not right.
Haadogei - With stuff like this I'm almost equally disturbed by the forum posts as the crimes. At least 3 posts above reference man rape and sound WAY too excited by it.
UGer: "what a horrible crime......I can't wait for him to be RAPED over and over! With a chainsaw! On webcam with popcorn......mmmm yeah......I can't stop thinking about it."
Uhhh, the solution to problems like this isn't having sex with men, sorry to break it to you guys.
My post had nothing to do with man rape, but... whatever floats your boat. I am not here to judge you. The webcam in the yard would more likely capture a severe beating or two, possibly something sharp separating a few ribs. None of which would deter my appetite for buttery popcorn (with a few extra sprinkles of salt please!!).
Maybe you were more interested in a webcam in the shower?
Read before you post... think before you speak... the experience will be much better for us all.
You can have your soapbox back now...
MMALOGIC - So what's the difference between this and someone who kills a 4 month old baby?
Oh right... one goes to jail and the other is an activist.
Shut the F*ck up with that shit!
mikecard -I think it's an abortion reference.MMALOGIC - So what's the difference between this and someone who kills a 4 month old baby?
Oh right... one goes to jail and the other is an activist.
i dont get the activist reference...what am i missing?
I'm starting a line for beating this twat to death. Takers?
How long do you think he'll last in prison....
Petition to have a license before producing kids?
Carl Weathers - Insert obvious and distasteful Cecil Peoples scoring joke here
Ha. I just forgot about this sickening thread ! Thanx weathers. Off to next.
What a piece of shit, sounds like an excuse to me , u dont hit your kids at 2 years old, maybe have the kid hit u with gloves but this loser was obviously giving the poor kid hard shots. He deserves population fuck suicide watch!!!