mrzipplokk - He is not going to enjoy what they do to him in prison :)
Fixed that for ya Zip.
mrzipplokk - He is not going to enjoy what they do to him in prison :)
When they get ahold of him in the joint, he'll wish he was dead.
The dudes in lock up remember when they were little jitterbugs and a lot of the reasons they are locked up is because someone like him fucked up their life when they were little.
This monster won't last a year in prison, thank God.
This is unacceptable.
This may sound extreme, but I believe the world is a better place without someone like this in it. Get rid of him.
MMALOGIC - So what's the difference between this and someone who kills a 4 month old baby?
Oh right... one goes to jail and the other is an activist.
Man, what I wouldn't give for 5 minutes alone with this motherfucker.
Tapiyama - Petition to have a license before producing kids?
He's a dead man when he gets to prison anyway trust me I know I've been to prison before they take care of motherfuckers like that as they should
horrible news
This totally ruined my night too.
2 year olds are so unco-ordinated and awkward. You cannot teach them anything physically complex. This is just a bullshit excuse from an idiot who beat a kid to death.
I'm a Canadian and oppose the death penalty. But I hope he's in one of those states where you guys fry people.
Wow, that's crazy.