Wondering if there are any dad's who have son's that fight and how they feel about it ?
andre roberts' son fights, doesn't he?
tyrone roberts, i think?
ah fuck it, whatever
Hahahah before I read who made the thread I was gonna say ask mma's boy he knows about that. Hahha talk to u tomorrow dad
what's the q?
this might be the dumbest thread ever. lol. is this a real question?
unless we have a bunch of mma fighters who dont have dads...
uness ou mean, fighters who also have sons then fight....
dumbest thread?? hahahaha how so green,maybe you dont understand, hes asking if there are any dads of fighters here on the underground to offer advice, not dads of fighters in general. obviously at one point all fighters had to have had a dad.
If you are looking for serious response then here is mine. I have a son that fights his name is Scott Harper, he has fought as high as 220 and is down at 205 now. Let me tell you, being a father and watching your son {even though he is 33 years old}is not an easy task. I sometimes get so nervous that I get sick to my stomach. He has had some success even after a late start in MMA. Real strong, wrestling background, fair ground skills, heavy kicks, and hands. He has only been at it for 18 months and is now fighting out of Macon Ga. with Cam McHargue and Team Praxis. I personally did't want him to fight like this but he is a grown man and has a mind of his own and loves it, so be it. He has a full time job which limits his gym and training time. His only losses has come due to gassing out. All his wins have come in the first round. He is now into heavy cardio training and will improve his wind. I know this may be to long for the question but gettting back to it, when I go see him fight I am more nervous than if I was fighting myself. Hard to hold your breath for 5 minutes each round. I pray before each fight,not for him to win, but for both he and his opponent to come out of the fight unharmed. WORD. Jack
Does wes simms dad post here cuz his son is always getting beat up. He's gotta feel like shit........
Cole and Micha(sp) Miller's Dad, Tim posts on here alot, an he fights. where you at OldSchool?
Thanks to those that understood the question.Jack it sounds like my emotions are exactly the same as yours. I am only able to watch the fight through the eyepiece of my vidcam.I guess what I'm looking to find out is if it ever gets any easier.
I have 2 children(if you call them knuckleheads children!) both compete in MMA. Micah is an amatuer who recently won the ISCF SE amatuer featherweight title in an all out war. I understand he may be turning pro soon. Cole fights professionly and recently won the PRO WKA US lightweight title against Mr Dwayne "diesel" Shelton where there was some serious leather traded. Props to both COLE and MICAH!
How do I feel? Im blessed and for many reasons! I hear the stories other parents tell. Im not worried about them coming home and telling me they got a girl pregnent(they are both too tired after training for anything other than masturbation). They dont smoke crack(it would ruin their cardio). I am blessed because of the friends they have made due to their involvement in MMA(this is a blessing because if my children are happy, then I am happy). Consider some of the relationships they have fostered due to their involvement in MMA. Quality people from the get go. Cam, Mathew,Brenda Charles, Blue, Adam, Rory, Brett, George allen, all the guys from different gyms, too many too list(No I didnt forget you Blizake!).
As far as the fighting goes, I feel great! I know they both are going into bang. They have a chance of getting hurt. Well, its what they have chosen to do and I support them one thousand and ten percent, period. I am their biggest fan and cant wait to see them fight again! Its not hard to watch. I dont consider it as "too rough". If they played professional football or hockey, not thats a rough sport, and would be reason for concern. As a matter of a fact its fun. Its family time as far as I am concerned. If they get smart i'll triange their skinny ass! Lastly there are the bonuses....I tell all the chics Im Cole or Micahs dad. That in itself, time and time again has proven to make them want to have sex with me.
Thanks Team Praxis and American Top Team
CLASSIC POST OLSKOOL! Being that proud parent that you are sure does have some perks!
Perks? Yes there are perks. I have to sleep with one eye open so I dont get triangled in my sleep. Imagine being choked while hearing "what do you mean I have to clean my room"?
It happens.
Peace to Team Miller, Pimps that they are. Bitches
"tyrone roberts" Yes, he does fight. He fought forum member bluemagic. I wasn't there but from what I heard it was a crazy battle. bluemagic ended up winning.
TTT fellas
TTT for your toughts fellas?
maybe a post that says " Sons who have dads that fight"!