I woulda never guessed Hardy was so intelligent the first time I saw his goofy mug.
Just became a Hardy fan. Fuck Hopkins. And I'm from Philly.
boxerboy1 -And that somehow makes him correct?ajl416az - who cares what B-Hop makes or how he'll be remembered?
Dan is just reminding him that even a relatively low-ranked MMA fighter who fights at a weight below him, knows for a fact he would finish B-Hop in the 1st round.
it ain't MMA he's a legend in, he should talk about what he knows.
Hardy wont become a legend in fcuk all though !
Hopkins butler gets paid more than hardy does in the UFC !
BzGrappla - Murray is the number 1 uk fighter
If you don't stay active in MMA, the sport passes you by. Lee Murray was a damn good MMA fighter five years ago, but five years away from the sport is an eternity in MMA. Lighting Lee would get wrecked by the current crop of mixed martial artists.
boxerboy1 - Like i said i don't agree with what Hopkins said ...it was a silly thing to say....but hardy needs to keep his mouth shut until he achieves something in his chosen sport !
I remember a while ago when Dan Hardy was bitching the same about Joe Calzaghe...he was pissed that calzaghe showed him no respect at a sentanta sports TV award event..calzaghe didn't have a clue who Hardy was so Hardy took offense and made a statement in the sun crying about how Calzaghe Blanked him lol
Like i said IMO Dan Hardy needs to actually achieve something in his chosen sport before he starts bad mouthing more established sporting greats !
mate, be careful not to get that crack you are smoking, all over your keyboard.
when a journo calls me up and asks "what do you think of...", im going to give my opinion. yet, you come on here and give it freely, when nobody even asked. so i could, infact, say the same about you, with your 'achieve something' comment.
but i dont, you have a right to speak, as much as i do. if you dont agree with me, thats cool. just dont act like a prick about it, because you make yourself look silly.
and the setanta sports award thing... where did that come from? you really pulled that one out of your ass!
thanks for the comments guys.
theOutlaw -Dan you rock!! I know it's extremely pointless to burn a board vote on a green name, but you just got VTFU.boxerboy1 - Like i said i don't agree with what Hopkins said ...it was a silly thing to say....but hardy needs to keep his mouth shut until he achieves something in his chosen sport !
I remember a while ago when Dan Hardy was bitching the same about Joe Calzaghe...he was pissed that calzaghe showed him no respect at a sentanta sports TV award event..calzaghe didn't have a clue who Hardy was so Hardy took offense and made a statement in the sun crying about how Calzaghe Blanked him lol
Like i said IMO Dan Hardy needs to actually achieve something in his chosen sport before he starts bad mouthing more established sporting greats !
mate, be careful not to get that crack you are smoking, all over your keyboard.
when a journo calls me up and asks "what do you think of...", im going to give my opinion. yet, you come on here and give it freely, when nobody even asked. so i could, infact, say the same about you, with your 'achieve something' comment.
but i dont, you have a right to speak, as much as i do. if you dont agree with me, thats cool. just dont act like a prick about it, because you make yourself look silly.
and the setanta sports award thing... where did that come from? you really pulled that one out of your ass!
thanks for the comments guys.
Uhh? Bernard boxed most of his career at 160... so he probably would have fit in MMA at 155/170. He would have had a tough time between the reigns of Hughes and GSP, who both would have just wrestled him into the ground.
He's just stirring up some shit here. Hopkins has been respectful in the past.
theOutlaw -boxerboy1 - Like i said i don't agree with what Hopkins said ...it was a silly thing to say....but hardy needs to keep his mouth shut until he achieves something in his chosen sport !
I remember a while ago when Dan Hardy was bitching the same about Joe Calzaghe...he was pissed that calzaghe showed him no respect at a sentanta sports TV award event..calzaghe didn't have a clue who Hardy was so Hardy took offense and made a statement in the sun crying about how Calzaghe Blanked him lol
Like i said IMO Dan Hardy needs to actually achieve something in his chosen sport before he starts bad mouthing more established sporting greats !
mate, be careful not to get that crack you are smoking, all over your keyboard.
when a journo calls me up and asks "what do you think of...", im going to give my opinion. yet, you come on here and give it freely, when nobody even asked. so i could, infact, say the same about you, with your 'achieve something' comment.
but i dont, you have a right to speak, as much as i do. if you dont agree with me, thats cool. just dont act like a prick about it, because you make yourself look silly.
and the setanta sports award thing... where did that come from? you really pulled that one out of your ass!
thanks for the comments guys.
I wouldn't put too much into what the clowns say here. You're savvy to the net, you should know most people here talk out their asses.
That said, I don't find anything you said out of line... or find you out of line for saying anything. I'm confused on why you have to have some sort of world title to even give your opinion when the people bashing you have no accomplishments of their own. Double standard IMO. UG's full of them. By their logic, they shouldn't even be allowed to comment on your comments. lol.
From a Texan, I'm looking forward to your bout with Swick. I'm rooting for you, chum. Should be a barn burner.
Eh_J - becoming a bigger fan of hardy every day.
well said.
My thoughts exactly.
interesting that a guy who went to train at Wild Cards gym would make a comment like no one under the age of 35 cares about boxing.
Hardy for the most part, knows whats up, but it seems like he feels obligated to come to mma's defense whenever someone takes a shot, and it really isn't necessary.
When are boxing people going to realise that when they insult MMA fans they are insulting their own fans too. Most MMA fans are boxing fans too, or at least they were before boxing people started calling them criminals and homosexuals
if these boxers are that sure of their superiority over mma fighters, there's an excellent way for them to prove it...in the cage.
OnDaMat - if these boxers are that sure of their superiority over mma fighters, there's an excellent way for them to prove it...in the cage.
Like an animal? Let the MMA kids meet prime boxers in the ring, like gentlemen.
It's only the washed-up 50 year old boxers who would enter some filthy cage out of desperation for a paycheck and KO a top ten MMA fighter in under ten seconds.
Good on hardy for jumping in on bernard's comments, they are definitely outta line vis a vis MMA and athletes in general. Having said that, you guys all need to take a deep breath and recognize that Joe Calzaghe is the MFing Man and need not be brought into this thread...
"Like an animal? Let the MMA kids meet prime boxers in the ring, like gentlemen.
It's only the washed-up 50 year old boxers who would enter some filthy cage out of desperation for a paycheck and KO a top ten MMA fighter in under ten seconds. "
I don't recall anyone's ear being bitten off in MMA...
One 10 second KO doesn't signal a pattern, if boxers came into MMA and consistently KO'd people then that is a pattern.
The problem with boxing is not the art (it's a fantastic art), it's the way it's run. I have to agree with Dana White on this, who wants to watch guys like Mayweather dance for 12 rounds? Give me a Nogueira fight any day!
Again, if the boxing community wants to point to one KO (over Silvia??) and stay out of MMA forever then that's fine, they know what will happen to them if they try to fight for real.
I think Hardy whooped him in this one.
Hopkins is 1000 times more famous, but Hardy is 10 times smarter.
Responding to someone famous, when it makes sense like that, is a good move.
I think alot of people are getting far off the main topic here. Who is more famous? Who did what? Who is richer?
That was never the point. Hopkins basically demeaned MMA to a "gay joke". I am sure that if Chuck Liddell was quoted as saying something demeaning about boxing then many boxers would come out of the woodwork to Boxing's defense. Maybe Hardy could beat Hopkins in a MMA style match, maybe he couldn't. My guess is we will never see that match. The fact is as a fan of the sport who doesn't have whips and chains and shit in his closet, I respect Hardy for the words he gave in defense of the sport and its fans.
Honestly people, many of the reactions in here are probably exactly as expected. Let's all take a deep breath and step back from the situation for a second and take a look at the bigger picture. B-hop is now basically a boxing promoter these days. Wheather it's Lou Debella, or PBF, or now B-Hop running down MMA it's all people with a vested interest in doing so. Who would have imagined a day when boxing people would have to ride the coattails of MMA to generate some publicity for their sport? Honestly I couldn't have imagined the day would come ten years ago. My how times have changed, and for the better if you're an MMA fan/athlete/promoter etc.