Dan Hardy hits back at Bernard "Soapy" Hopkins

 hehe that was a great response by hardy!


"Why does Bernard Hopkins make light of something as serious as prison rape?"

Because he's too stupid to realize that HE is the excited gay one in that exchange. The victim can be completely straight. The guy with the hardon is gay.

No, common sense. Who's got the hardon? The rapist or the victim?

Ghetto prison fag culture claims another one. Not your fault, part of society now---he prison raped him, etc

If that were possible, that would mean you're gay. Plus you've been doing a really bad black or wigger act.

I guess you set out those alternatives for yourself.

LOL! Good one

I like Hardy defending the sport, but MMA hasn't eclipsed boxing yet. It won't for 5 years IMO. A sport as old as boxing is very entrenched and if anything MMA has aided it's recent revival.

Interesting last point.

Jimmy Mackaway - 

I'm not gay.

I just refuse to go without sex.

Regardless of the circumstances.

 If you rape another dude, you are gay. Try to spin it all you can, champ. But if you'd force sex on a guy, you are a homersexual.

Jimmy Mackaway - 

So you're still mad at me?
No, my hemmeroid donut is though. Its been working overtime.