Dan Henderson & Rocky Marciano

 Hey guys,

This is a piece that I've been wanting to do for a while which considers the stylistic similarities between Rocky Marciano and Dan Henderson. Both men lunge in from an almost side on stance, behind a stunted jab, and dive in with the purest punching power in their right hand. It would certainly have been interesting to see what Rocky Marciano could do if he could kick the inside of his opponent's legs to keep them in position as Hendo does!

Hope you enjoy this one, it could be a bit alien to some guys who are only into MMA, but it's a bit unusual and I thought some of you might enjoy that. 

Hope you don't mind clicking the link, and all feedback is welcomed!





This edition of Finish of the Week will focus on a fight from the golden era of boxing, Rocky Marciano versus Jersey Joe Walcott. While many will have become disinterested or alienated the moment that they read that, this week's finish has great relevance to the upcoming bout between Dan Henderson and Jon Jones. The truth is that the golden years of boxing, with smaller gloves, smaller purses and smarter fighters, are much more relevant to MMA striking than the matches of today between overpaid athletes, many of whom rely more on endurance and pace more than they do on set ups and technique. No fighter in MMA holds more stylistic parallels with Rocky Marciano than Dan Henderson, and understanding the weaknesses of Marciano's style will aid enormously in understanding the weaknesses of Dan Henderson's.


This fight will give you a few hints as to what we will look at in my next big piece Defusing the H-Bomb.


Rocky Marciano, like Dan Henderson, had a granite jaw and took a great amount of punishment, but towards the end of his career began to become more defense savvy. The most important similarity between the two men, however, is their huge reliance on their right hand. Both Marciano and Henderson have good power in their left hook, but cannot throw it straight from their stance because they stand almost side on. This side on stance allows them to lunge forward onto their lead leg and swing their hips through to the fullest potential. Both men owned absolutely numbing power and fought behind a stinted, relatively weak jab - simply serving to set up the enormous, Babe Ruth swing that they took with their right hand.


I'm sure everyone is familiar with Rocky Marciano, he is rated as one of the best heavyweight champions ever despite having a sub 70" reach. What Rocky lacked in length and height he more than made up for in power and determination. Never the prettiest fighter, Marciano's power was absolutely numbing.



Marciano's meeting with Walcott came on the trail of 42 wins, the vast majority of which ended in a knockout. In this match, Marciano's title shot, Jersey Joe Walcott fought an excellent fight. For 12 rounds he dominated Marciano, out boxing him and dropping him with some of the heaviest punches the old champion had shown to date. It was in the thirteenth round that Marciano found Walcott; as the latter was trapped against the ropes. Rather than get out to Marciano's left , Walcott stayed where he was and tried to fight back - putting him in place for Marciano's money punch. Fifteen round title fights no longer exist, and were it not for them we may never have seen Marciano go on to be one of boxing's greatest champions.






What is most important about this match is that Rocky Marciano continued getting hit and firing back until he got his way. The finish is now legendary and reminds me in many ways of Shogun's match with Dan Henderson. Walcott, convinced he was the better boxer, took the liberty of attempting to beat Marciano to the punch. I would like to point out that for most fighters, excepting giants such as Nikolai Valuev and Shane Carwin, a powerful punch is a fast punch. It might move wide and take longer than a snapping jab, but a punch thrown with the body weight still travels at great speed. Walcott's attempt to beat Marciano to the punch failed mainly for the reason that even in the thirteenth round, because Marciano wasn't pumping his punches out straight with his arms and fatiguing himself but rather throwing from his legs and core, he was able to throw a crushing blow and work at a similar speed to which he had fought all fight.


Furthermore, punchers such as Henderson and Marciano may have ugly form in many of their clubbing blows, but both have superb form in their money punch. Marciano named this punch the Suzie Q, after a popular dance move, and it is the most memorable punch in boxing history. Watch this beautiful gif a few hundred times and notice how pure Marciano's punch is. Forget his dropping his hands in between shots, and getting clipped. As an example of power punching form, this is perfect.



Notice that Rocky shuffles in towards Walcott in his short stance, he has little power on his shots in this stance without a big step - which is why Walcott had so much success finding Marciano in the centre of the ring when Rocky couldn't pin him down- but when Marciano is ready to unload, it provides him with more power than any other method. Marciano flashes the jab, lunging onto his lead leg, then turning his hip through for the right hand. His right shoulder completes it's motion before his right hand does - meaning that the force from the hips is directly carried into the punch. Dan Henderson's right hand is always accompanied by this lunge onto the lead foot, and his shoulder always completes it's path before his fist does. 



 Jack Dempsey observed that for pure punching power the bodyweight must be in motion forward or to the side, which requires a step, and that not nearly so much power can be accomplished by twisting on the spot. As a bonus you will notice that Rocky's left hook is thrown with a step to the right. As a final point, Rocky lands with the front of his fist, the power moves correctly through his knuckles and not the inside of his fist. This is what Jack Dempsey would call the purest form of punch.


Continues with Walcott's counters and how Jon Jones can exploit Henderson's game at: Judo Chop FOTW: Dan Henderson & Rocky Marciano - Bloody Elbow


Hendo has also delivered flash KO's of fighters even when partially off balance and with very short punches. Such as the the first time a Gracie was ever Ko'ed (Renzo) or as with Fedor. No step at all was needed.

Further, you really expect JBJ to not move away from Hendo in the fight where he can find that extra power anyway? He has even turned tail completely after feeling a fighters power before. He moved straight back after feeling Machida's power as well. I'm sure Hendo wants him more stationary than not! Fighting in the center of the cage measuring and hoping for a few clean shots (JJW took none in the first 12)?

It is possible you are correct but after he tastes Hendo's power I'm sure that gives him all the motivation he needs to find his horse. The real question IMO is if Hendo can 'catch' him (a pun, meaning both get to where he IS at AND hit him clean,) not if Hendo will simply have the opportunity to deliver power punches in the first place.

Now JBJ can catch Hendo on the way in granted! Just like darth got caught. He does however have both superior tactics and experience which he must implement to try to prevent this.

Most fans are not looking at the mental game here! Make no mistake, Only one man entering that cage is willing to die in there. Only one man in that cage does not care about pain or blood and will not stop no matter what, willing to pay any price until either he or his opponent is stopped.

War Hendo! Phone Post


Chris Leben is a Zombie - 
Eunuchorn - You know whats crazy?

Rocky would be a welterweight in mma.
This! And he hardly did any weight lifting Phone Post
Training with a 200lbs heavy bag non-stop is going to make you strong as an ox though! The videos of him hitting his custom made bag are insane - it's twice as wide as him and goes down to his thighs, but he weaves underneath the bottom of the bag after every combo.


I think hes more like..... ROCKY BALBOA

ADRIANNE!!!!!!!!!!!! Phone Post

Lazer MMA - 

Hendo has also delivered flash KO's of fighters even when partially off balance and with very short punches. Such as the the first time a Gracie was ever Ko'ed (Renzo) or as with Fedor. No step at all was needed.

Further, you really expect JBJ to not move away from Hendo in the fight where he can find that extra power anyway? He has even turned tail completely after feeling a fighters power before. He moved straight back after feeling Machida's power as well. I'm sure Hendo wants him more stationary than not! Fighting in the center of the cage measuring and hoping for a few clean shots (JJW took none in the first 12)?

It is possible you are correct but after he tastes Hendo's power I'm sure that gives him all the motivation he needs to find his horse. The real question IMO is if Hendo can 'catch' him (a pun, meaning both get to where he IS at AND hit him clean,) not if Hendo will simply have the opportunity to deliver power punches in the first place.

Now JBJ can catch Hendo on the way in granted! Just like darth got caught. He does however have both superior tactics and experience which he must implement to try to prevent this.

Most fans are not looking at the mental game here! Make no mistake, Only one man entering that cage is willing to die in there. Only one man in that cage does not care about pain or blood and will not stop no matter what, willing to pay any price until either he or his opponent is stopped.
In truth what we are likely to see is Jones front kicking Dan's front knee to shit, low kicking him around and occasionally going upstairs.

None of the nonsense about "willing to die" means anything against someone who will actually follow his coaches' gameplan.


I remember reading some stuff about Marciano. Other fighter would say that he was so physical in the ring, that just bumping into him would hurt. he's a rugged motherfucker and so is Dan.

Jack Slack - 
Lazer MMA - 
Hendo has also delivered flash KO's of fighters even when partially off balance and with very short punches. Such as the the first time a Gracie was ever Ko'ed (Renzo) or as with Fedor. No step at all was needed.

Further, you really expect JBJ to not move away from Hendo in the fight where he can find that extra power anyway? He has even turned tail completely after feeling a fighters power before. He moved straight back after feeling Machida's power as well. I'm sure Hendo wants him more stationary than not! Fighting in the center of the cage measuring and hoping for a few clean shots (JJW took none in the first 12)?

It is possible you are correct but after he tastes Hendo's power I'm sure that gives him all the motivation he needs to find his horse. The real question IMO is if Hendo can 'catch' him (a pun, meaning both get to where he IS at AND hit him clean,) not if Hendo will simply have the opportunity to deliver power punches in the first place.

Now JBJ can catch Hendo on the way in granted! Just like darth got caught. He does however have both superior tactics and experience which he must implement to try to prevent this.

Most fans are not looking at the mental game here! Make no mistake, Only one man entering that cage is willing to die in there. Only one man in that cage does not care about pain or blood and will not stop no matter what, willing to pay any price until either he or his opponent is stopped.
In truth what we are likely to see is Jones front kicking Dan's front knee to shit, low kicking him around and occasionally going upstairs.

None of the nonsense about "willing to die" means anything against someone who will actually follow his coaches' gameplan.

LMFAO, ok there boss. we'll see!

Jack Slack - 
Chris Leben is a Zombie - 
Eunuchorn - You know whats crazy?

Rocky would be a welterweight in mma.
This! And he hardly did any weight lifting Phone Post
Training with a 200lbs heavy bag non-stop is going to make you strong as an ox though! The videos of him hitting his custom made bag are insane - it's twice as wide as him and goes down to his thighs, but he weaves underneath the bottom of the bag after every combo.


 200lbs heavy bag? I gotta get me one of them.

What if Jones simply goes southpaw?

Dan wouldn't be able to use the inside leg kick to set up his right hand. Many guys Dan had trouble with on the feet were southpaws, and I don't recall him ever knocking out one. Phone Post

Jack Slack -
Lazer MMA - 
Hendo has also delivered flash KO's of fighters even when partially off balance and with very short punches. Such as the the first time a Gracie was ever Ko'ed (Renzo) or as with Fedor. No step at all was needed.

Further, you really expect JBJ to not move away from Hendo in the fight where he can find that extra power anyway? He has even turned tail completely after feeling a fighters power before. He moved straight back after feeling Machida's power as well. I'm sure Hendo wants him more stationary than not! Fighting in the center of the cage measuring and hoping for a few clean shots (JJW took none in the first 12)?

It is possible you are correct but after he tastes Hendo's power I'm sure that gives him all the motivation he needs to find his horse. The real question IMO is if Hendo can 'catch' him (a pun, meaning both get to where he IS at AND hit him clean,) not if Hendo will simply have the opportunity to deliver power punches in the first place.

Now JBJ can catch Hendo on the way in granted! Just like darth got caught. He does however have both superior tactics and experience which he must implement to try to prevent this.

Most fans are not looking at the mental game here! Make no mistake, Only one man entering that cage is willing to die in there. Only one man in that cage does not care about pain or blood and will not stop no matter what, willing to pay any price until either he or his opponent is stopped.
In truth what we are likely to see is Jones front kicking Dan's front knee to shit, low kicking him around and occasionally going upstairs.

None of the nonsense about "willing to die" means anything against someone who will actually follow his coaches' gameplan.

I think that may happen for a while, but Bones is going to do most of his damage on the ground imo. Phone Post

 I can see a slight similarity but Marcianos power was on another level, dan wings a lot of his punches, marciano threw pistons.

TtT Phone Post


TTT for the morning shift