Dan Henderson's Century dvds?

Has anyone seen the Dan Henderson instructionals put out by CenturyVision? Just wondering if they are any good...


ttt i'd like to know too. Randy's clinch one is really good I have it, but have not heard on the heno set.

ttt I would also like to know...

I haven't looked at these in a while.

Henderson?s takedown and head & arm tape video were good, but not great. These are both fairly basic. Depending upon one's wrestling and mma experience, these may be worth getting. I believe that the head and arm video demonstrates some entries into the front headlock, various standing, and ground head and arm chokes. I think that the front headlock is a very important position in mma.

Cary Kolat has an excellent wrestling only dvd that addresses the front headlock.

The Henderson videos are short, but I can?t recall the exact time (maybe 30 min).

Thanks for the response.