Dan Hooker’s new Tattoo

There was a line of Jesus Didn’t Tap fight gear lol

And then he tappped out of life himself …. Boom, Roasted

Yeah, cringe to the max

Yeah was just about to say he died recently.

I think he was considered as a fighter to fight
CM Punk before they went with Mickey Jim Carey Gall

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Maybe Hooker is a Christian Minecraft fan,
Remember that HW

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again, what part of his mind thought that was cool or badass

It’s so nonsensical

You know what i want right on my chest? A pair of brass knuckles glued to a giant dildo

Even if it DIDN"T look like a dildo, it’s still something a 12 year old would doodle on his brown paper book cover in school when he’s bored

Not something you get permanently tattooed on your chest when your job requires you to have a shirt off most of the time.

The blade looks like a juicy bane too

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Can’t believe Jack Merridew got this

People are fucking stupid.

Myself 100% included

A local chubby bouncer had a cage fighter logo tattoo.

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Kevin Lee’s one doesn’t seem so bad now