I just heard he was signed. Can anyone confirm this?
Puder v Lesnar for the WWF title!
In a steel cage match!
Who's his cousin?
Puder is intent on milking that staged angle with Kurt Angle for the rest of his life.
JOB - In a steel cage match!the UFC is already a steel cage match.........
Puder can't do anything without the go ahead from Larry Sweeney.
JohnMc - Puder is intent on milking that staged angle with Kurt Angle for the rest of his life.
It wasn't staged. He caught Angle.
Haulport -JOB - In a steel cage match!the UFC is already a steel cage match.........
Looks like a Josh Koscheck in that picture.
Didnt Puder fight Rich Dalton ?
LOL at Larry Sweeney! Funny!
Puder vs. Kimbo would be an excellent circus freak show.
There is no doubt that he is milking the Angle incident.I asked him straight up at a UFC in Sacramento if he could talk about it,and he said yes,that the WWE did not say that he "couldnt" use submissions in the match.Now,whether that is the truth or not....who knows.I just wished that I would have asked him if that
s the reason he was released from the WWE.
Im sure there is a line around the girl to be one of Puders Girls! LOL
maybe he's on the next tuf?