Dana DIY: How to Burn a Bridge

article I wrote up today, thoughts?



do not support '10ers.

good article, interesting, but I'm really curious to see how well this game does, it seems more for hardcore fans, than the both hardcore and casual.

the reason I say is, a good friend of mine, casual fan, loves the UFC game, knows some of the fighters, but not all and calls Kenny Florian the "Floridian"...
he is a gamer tho and loves EA, but says he doesn't know anyone in the game...
this could be the only hurdle for EA to get over.

but I'm a fan of competition, it makes for better products :)

hahahaha why was my post deleted? he talks up EA as being so great and basically says undisputed's improvements were garbage when EA has mastered that style. it took 17 years to add board play into NHL. NBA Live just added salaries a few years ago and still has a major game play flaws like no traveling, 2 pointers called 3 pointers, players go through the backboard, huge lags, etc. hell even Madden still has flaws 20+ years in. QB's look the opposite way and still complete passes, balls go through players hands, still don't have the replay system anywhere close to right, basic rules still not implemented. hell for the 2nd year i think Undisputed is pretty good

 Good article, its a joke that the UFC is pawning off guys likeness in video games and action figures and these guys aren't getting a penny.  You won't see that in any of business in the world.

@SandraBullockFan, adding southpaws shouldnt be considered an 'improvement', it should have been there from jump street. They're just not on the same level man.

Having seen it first hand at e3, even now in its pre alpha stage it plays better than ufc2010. Graphics wise its slightly better but not by much. Could be because of the pre alpha textures or that they rushed to get a playable demo for e3 out.
One thing I noticed is that its very playable, more so than ufc2010. This holds good for thq and ea pushing each other to do the better game. One thing is for sure the next ufc game will have to really turn up the quality for next years version. Right now Ea looks to have nailed it and its going to be hard to better it but I hope THQ do but cant see it after this years lazy effort.


I think people were unhappy with "improvements" in UFC 2010 overall.

JimmersonzGlove -  I bought an Xbox so I could get the 2009 UFC game. I used to love playing the Pride game with my friends and just wanted a new MMA game. I had no desire of getting an updated version when the 2009 roster is still pretty accurate and it doesn't seem like there are many huge improvements. I never play video games for more than like 20 mins at a time anyway and 2009 is still pretty fun.

I'll be buying the EA game cuz it's a completely new roster, and it's cool that you can change what you fight in (cage/ring/etc) and the rules...but same goes..if the EA 2011 version isn't that much different I'd probably pass on it too after buying the first one.

Totally agree and Id vote you up if I could for a smart post.
2 year cycle is the way forward

ok so THQ realized they made a mistake and fixed it in their 2nd attempt. why can pathetic THQ fix something in 2 years but EA can't in 20? if EA is so great shouldn't they be able to give us a perfect game after 20 years of practice? their only hope to making a better sports game than the opponent is to buy the rights
