Dana / Fedor gifs (gifs)

Strung56 - 
Cage45 - someone PLEASE shop vadim into the guy next to fedor on the 2nd gif.

 I had some free time so I gave it a shot.

LOL Beautiful!


Pure 10.0 and this thread is why the UG is so special..

I bet Dana sees this by 10:00 PST tonight

 lol I just did the easy part.

Major props to whoever made the first two gifs.

WOW and I thought nothing could top the first gif, I stand corrected.

well done sir!


 thanks lol

ttt for later!

ah shit, somebody beat me to it.

Wow. LMAO Top notch.



L O fucking L

 TTThat's great work.

Card -  

A solid 10!

Made me lol. :)

wow lol 

God this place is amazing. Seriously.


Here's one I made, enjoy guys

For Wotan1105


serious props to the people who made those.