Dana: I got a meeting with Kid Yamamoto

In his video blog: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LymhXqJNF1c

Kid vs Faber!!! Make it so!!!

TTT for Yamamoto....hello moto.

Are they really willing to shell out the necessary coin to steal a marquee japanese fighter ? They never have before.

Naughty Gorilla - Are they really willing to shell out the necessary coin to steal a marquee japanese fighter ? They never have before.

Ishii could have made a ton of cash in Japan but is hooking up with Zuffa instead.

He even gives a shout out to the UG at 1:29:


Faber will absolutely and totally disfigure him.

Family Jules - Faber will absolutely and totally disfigure him.


I don't think he's signed any dotted lines yet, has he ?UFC better have a tight Japan/Asia market strategy before they start throwing cash around.

"Ishii could have made a ton of cash in Japan but is hooking up with Zuffa instead."

"He's such a homo thats not the place I'm afraid he's going to poke me" Hahahaha... Classic shit!!!